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Polluted water driving rare turtle species away from Fatehabad pond

A polluted drain discharging wastewater into a pond designated as a Community Reserve for rare turtle species in Kajalheri village, Fatehabad district, is forcing the creatures to abandon their habitat. The contaminated water has led some turtles to migrate into...
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A polluted drain discharging wastewater into a pond designated as a Community Reserve for rare turtle species in Kajalheri village, Fatehabad district, is forcing the creatures to abandon their habitat. The contaminated water has led some turtles to migrate into the adjoining Kishangarh canal, while others have strayed onto roads, where several have been crushed by vehicles.

The pond is home to three turtle species — Indian softshell turtles, red-roofed turtles and Indian peacock turtles. However, due to continuous pollution, these species are increasingly at risk.

Vinod Kadwasra, state president of the Akhil Bhartiya Jeev Raksha Bishnoi Sabha, raised the issue with the district administration, urging authorities to block the drain to protect the pond.


“There are around 150 to 200 Indian softshell turtles, 40 to 50 red-roofed turtles and some Indian peacock turtles in the pond. There could be other species as well,” Kadwasra told The Tribune.

A field visit confirmed that the drain continuously dumps wastewater and plastic waste into the pond. The pollution has prompted turtles to seek alternative water bodies, with many migrating to the Kishangarh canal, while others have ventured onto roads and fields, some falling victim to traffic accidents.


Besides pollution, buffaloes entering the pond pose another threat. "Their presence increases the risk of turtle eggs and softshell species being trampled," Kadwasra said.

Officials confirmed that the issue was recently discussed at a Community Reserve Management Committee meeting. Fatehabad City Magistrate Pramesh Singh acknowledged the problem and said, "The matter was taken up in the meeting and discussions will be held with the department concerned to find a solution."

The Jeev Raksha Bishnoi Sabha has proposed several measures to preserve the habitat and prevent further turtle deaths. It has suggested redirecting clean water from the canal into the pond, fencing or constructing a low (1–1.5 feet) wall to prevent turtles from wandering onto roads, protecting nesting sites with triple-layered barbed wire around artificial islands while allowing turtle access, using enclosed pipelines to divert wastewater into a separate pond, constructing a culvert to separate wastewater from rainwater, ensuring only clean water reaches the pond, and restricting buffalo access by redirecting them to another water body with fewer or no turtles.

Environmentalists and villagers hope that swift action will be taken to preserve the endangered turtles before their numbers decline further.

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