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Signboards, goods placed outside shops seized in anti-encroachment drive in Sirsa

The Municipal Council (MC) along with a police control room (PCR) team launched an anti-encroachment drive in city’s markets on Tuesday. The drive began at Subhash Chowk and extended to LIC Road. Officials confiscated signboards, hoardings and other goods placed...
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Municipal Council staff clear encroachments in front of shops in Sirsa.

The Municipal Council (MC) along with a police control room (PCR) team launched an anti-encroachment drive in city’s markets on Tuesday. The drive began at Subhash Chowk and extended to LIC Road. Officials confiscated signboards, hoardings and other goods placed outside shops during the drive. Street vendors were also instructed to relocate to designated trade market.

As soon as the MC team arrived, panic spread among shopkeepers, who scrambled to remove items from outside their stores. Despite repeated warnings, many traders continued to encroach on public space, leading to frequent traffic congestion and inconvenience customers. The MC had been receiving numerous complaints regarding these issues.

Chief sanitation inspector Ravi Sharma said shopkeepers had been warned multiple times not to store their goods beyond the designated area, but many ignored instructions. He said such drives would continue to ensure smooth movement of traffic and pedestrians in markets.


Shopkeepers, whose goods were confiscated would have to pay fines, he said. Sharma urged traders to cooperate in maintaining order, while stating that only collective efforts could ensure better management of markets.

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