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What our readers say: Park entrance blocked in Hisar

THE main entrance gate of Krantimaan Park in Hisar is being used by a milk booth owner to store goods, causing inconvenience to park-goers. The authorities concerned should take cognisance of this issue, and take appropriate action. Virender Kaushal, Hisar...
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THE main entrance gate of Krantimaan Park in Hisar is being used by a milk booth owner to store goods, causing inconvenience to park-goers. The authorities concerned should take cognisance of this issue, and take appropriate action. Virender Kaushal, Hisar

Biomedical waste dumped in open in Narwana

BIOMEDICAL waste from private medical clinics, labs and hospitals is being dumped in the open in Narwana. Stray animals often end up feeding on this waste, which is a matter of grave concern. Also, this problem can lead to the outbreak of a slew of diseases in the area. Medical waste should be properly collected and disposed of scientifically to prevent infections. Serious action should be taken against violators. Ramesh Gupta, Narwana


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