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Yamunanagar DC conducts surprise inspection of Jagadhri secretariat

Having recently assumed the charge of Deputy Commissioner of Yamunanagar district, Parth Gupta conducted a surprise inspection of all offices at the district secretariat in Jagadhri on Tuesday. During the inspection, he instructed the officials concerned to adjust shelves, set...
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Having recently assumed the charge of Deputy Commissioner of Yamunanagar district, Parth Gupta conducted a surprise inspection of all offices at the district secretariat in Jagadhri on Tuesday.

During the inspection, he instructed the officials concerned to adjust shelves, set up wires and change the numbering and labelling of the shelves of the Establishment branch, DRA branch, HRA branch, FRA branch, DA branch, RKA branch and other branches.

“Our workplace is also our home and it is our moral responsibility to keep it clean,” DC Parth Gupta said.


He instructed officials to remove unnecessary wires, make drinking water arrangements, and ensure the cleanliness of toilets at the secretariat.

He said the cleaning of water tanks should be ensured from time to time. He talked to the employees of the district secretariat, taking stock of their work.


ADC Ayush Sinha, City Magistrate Piyush Gupta and District Public Relation Officer Dr Manoj Kumar were among those present during the inspection.

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