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Civic body mulls ‘name & shame’ move to recover tax

Officials told to issue final notices
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The Municipal Corporation, Shimla, has decided to publicise the names of property tax defaulters on its website and a display board. As per the corporation, there are over 2,000 households that are yet to pay property tax to the corporation, with many houses not clearing dues for the past few years.

The directions were passed during a recent meeting held under the chairmanship of Municipal Corporation Commissioner Bhupinder Attri.

Pending rent

2,000 households are yet to pay property tax to the Shimla MC.

There are around 500 shopkeepers who have not paid rent for the shops owned by the corporation.

Officials have been told to seal establishments of shopkeepers who have failed to pay up even after receiving notices.

During the meeting, it was revealed that over 2,000 households owe property tax to the corporation and were still not paying up despite serving of notices. It was also informed that there are around 500 shopkeepers who have not paid the rent for the shops owned by the MC.


The MC Commissioner directed the officials concerned to issue fresh notices to the defaulters. The failure to clear the dues will lead to the above-mentioned action, he said. Besides, the officials were also directed to seal the shops of the shopkeepers who have failed to pay the rent to the corporation even after receiving notices.

Earlier, the corporation had issued notices to the property tax defaulters, warning the defaulters of disconnecting water and electricity supply if they failed to deposit the outstanding property tax within the stipulated time.


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