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Co-op society sets up 1 MW solar project on barren land in Mandi

In a significant development for the rural economy of Mandi district, the Batahuta Agriculture Service Co-Operative Society Ltd has set up a 1-MW solar energy project on 30 bighas of barren land at the Patdighat panchayat under Sarkaghat subdivision of...
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Solar power project being started at Patrighat in Mandi. Jai Kumar

In a significant development for the rural economy of Mandi district, the Batahuta Agriculture Service Co-Operative Society Ltd has set up a 1-MW solar energy project on 30 bighas of barren land at the Patdighat panchayat under Sarkaghat subdivision of Mandi district.

The project, set up under the government’s solar energy policy, is generating an income of Rs 4-5 lakh per month.

Society’s secretary Pitamber Lal said due to the lack of irrigation facilities, farmers in the region were completely dependent on rainfall for agriculture, making ventures like greenhouses and dairy farming challenging. Additionally, the remote location of the village made it difficult to access facilities such as cold storage, crop grading systems, and flour mills, which also posed problems in transportation, marketing, and sales. This prompted Lal to propose the idea of a solar power project to the management committee.


In August 2023, the Him Urja Department allotted the society a solar project and in nine months, the project was completed. By March 2024, the society established the Co-operative Sabha Solar Power Project in Gulela and Hadsar, Patdighat. The project cost approximately Rs 5 crore, with Rs 2.70 crore financed through a loan from the State Bank of India, while the remaining Rs 2.30 crore was invested by the society.

The solar plant sells electricity at a rate of Rs 3.75 per unit, having signed a 25-year agreement with the Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board for the purchase of power. Lal mentioned that the plant currently generates a monthly income of Rs 4-5 lakh, with production at 90-95% efficiency during summer and 70% in winter. The project is expected to bring in an annual income of Rs 50 to Rs 55 lakh, with profits likely to increase as the initial investment is recovered within the next 10-12 years.


The solar project has also created direct and indirect employment opportunities for local youth. The society has employed an electrician and a security guard for the plant’s maintenance, which includes solar fencing, CCTV cameras, and washing and cleaning systems.

To establish the project, Lal reached out to retired teacher Dilaram, who owned 30 bighas of unused land in Gulela and Hadsar. Previously, the land was unsuitable for farming due to the presence of stray and wild animals. In return for leasing the land to the society for 30 years, Dilaram now earns approximately Rs 1.5 lakh annually.

Deputy Commissioner Apoorv Devgan praised the government’s solar policy and mentioned that efforts are being made to encourage locals to establish solar energy plants.

Senior Executive Engineer of the Electricity Department, Sarkaghat, Raj Kumar Gupta, noted that six solar power plants have already been set up in the subdivision, including in Jandhru Khala, Lower Ghatta, Sulpur Bahi Bajrayana, Upper Bhambla, Gulela Hadsar, and Maseran Bhadrwad. These plants are selling electricity to the government at the rate of Rs 3.75 per unit.

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