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Electricity supply to 197 defaulters cut

The state electricity board has temporarily disconnected power supply to 197 defaulters in the Tisa subdivision. The action was taken against them for not paying their outstanding bills. Before the board crackdown, 160 defaulters had cleared their dues, amounting to...
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The state electricity board has temporarily disconnected power supply to 197 defaulters in the Tisa subdivision. The action was taken against them for not paying their outstanding bills.

Before the board crackdown, 160 defaulters had cleared their dues, amounting to Rs 32 lakh, after receiving a warning.

Earlier, the board had identified 357 defaulters in the subdivision, collectively owing Rs 54 lakh to it.


When officials arrived to disconnect their power connections, 160 consumers cleared their dues immediately. However, the remaining 197 consumers failed to do so, leading to the temporary disconnection of their connections.

Assistant Engineer Amit Thakur stated that if these defaulters did not clear their dues soon, their power supply will be disconnected permanently.


To restore the power connection, a consumer will need to pay their outstanding bill, along with Rs 250 reconnection fee.

The state electricity board will continue issuing notices and taking a strict action against those who fail to make payments on time, the official added.

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