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Farmers urged to insure wheat, barley crops by December 15

Farmers in Himachal Pradesh have been advised to insure their wheat and barley crops under the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) by December 15 for the rabi season. Sharing this information, Nahan Deputy Director of Agriculture Nahan, Rajkumar said...
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Farmers in Himachal Pradesh have been advised to insure their wheat and barley crops under the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) by December 15 for the rabi season. Sharing this information, Nahan Deputy Director of Agriculture Nahan, Rajkumar said the premium for wheat was Rs 72 per bigha and Rs 60 per bigha for barley.

Under this scheme, the total insured amount for wheat is set at Rs 60,000 per hectare, while for barley, it is Rs 50,000 per hectare. The insurance scheme is managed by the Agricultural Insurance Company (AIC) and aims to compensate farmers for potential crop losses during the Rabi season.

Farmers can get their crops insured through Lok Mitra Kendra (common service centres). Nearest centres are available to assist with registration. Farmers can apply digitally for convenience. Farmers can visit their nearest banks with necessary documents, including bank passbook, land records (Jamabandi), sowing certificate and Aadhaar card.


Farmers needing assistance can contact their local Lok Mitra Kendra, agricultural extension officers, or insurance company representatives. For more details, farmers may reach out to Rahul Chauhan, District Manager, Agriculture Department, at 98166-40065.

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