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Simplified registration form for natural farming launched

Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu today launched a simplified registration form to enroll farmers in natural farming in the state during the MLAs Priority Meeting and said that the forms could be filled online or offline by the farmers. The...
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Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu today launched a simplified registration form to enroll farmers in natural farming in the state during the MLAs Priority Meeting and said that the forms could be filled online or offline by the farmers.

The CM said the interested farmers could now connect with the natural farming easily by filling this form. “The registration forms, which will generate specific information about the land, crops grown, breed of animals kept by the farmers and some other details regarding training in natural farming will be distributed amongst farmers in all panchayats in the state. This will give further impetus to natural farming in the state in 2025-26,” he said.

He said that the state government recently procured 398.976 MT naturally grown maize from 1508 farmers at Rs 30 per Kg, which is the highest Minimum Support Price (MSP) in the country. “Similar procedure would be adopted to procure naturally produced wheat in the ensuing season at a MSP of Rs 40 per Kg. One kilogram and five kilogram packets of the naturally produced maize flour are available under the brand name 'Him Bhog',” said the CM.


He further said that 38.225 MT of maize flour has been sold through 1054 Fair Price Shops and 73.52 MT has been sold through wholesale units of HP State Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd till February 1.

Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Minister Chander Kumar said the ATMA staff will verify the forms filled by the farmers in the field. He said the form will be connected to CETARA-NF (Certified Evaluation Tool of Agriculture Resources Analysis of Natural Farming) portal of PK3Y.


Ministers Jagat Singh Negi and Yadvender Goma, Vice Chairman State Planning board, Bhawani Singh Pathania, Deputy Chief Whip Kewal Singh Pathania, MLAs, Chief Secretary Prabodh Saxena and other senior officers were present on the occasion.

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