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Two institutions honoured with ‘Green School Award’

In recognition of its outstanding contribution to environmental conservation and sustainable development, PM Shri Government Senior Secondary School, Raipur, has been honoured with the prestigious ‘Green School Award’ for the year 2024-25. The award was presented at the Green Schools...
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Headmistress of Government High School, Kanah, receives the award.

In recognition of its outstanding contribution to environmental conservation and sustainable development, PM Shri Government Senior Secondary School, Raipur, has been honoured with the prestigious ‘Green School Award’ for the year 2024-25. The award was presented at the Green Schools Programme (GSP) Carnival and Awards Ceremony 2025, organised by the Centre for Science and Environment at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.

This achievement makes it the only school from Chamba district to receive this honour, bringing pride to the region at the national level. The award recognises the school’s dedicated efforts in promoting environmental sustainability and green initiatives.

The success is attributed to the collective contributions of the school’s principal, teachers, students, parents and education department officials. Special appreciation was extended to the Chamba district education department and science supervisor Gaurav Vaid, whose guidance and support were instrumental in achieving this milestone.


Expressing his views, Rajiv Kumar, eco club in-charge and GSP coordinator, said the award was the result of their collective efforts.

“Environmental conservation is not just an initiative but a responsibility that we must fulfil with complete dedication. This recognition will further inspire us to continue our efforts towards making our school and community greener and cleaner,” he said. The award is a moment of pride not just for the school but for the entire district and state. It is expected to motivate other schools to take up environmental conservation initiatives and set new benchmarks in sustainable development, Kumar added.


Solan: Government High School, Kanah, Solan, was awarded the ‘Green School Award’ by the Science and Environment Centre at Green India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, today.

The award was received by the school’s head teacher Mamta Gupta and Eco Club coordinator Pawan Kumar from Sunita Narayan, director general, Centre of Science and Environment.

The chief guest of the programme was renowned environmentalist Sonam Wangchuk. In his address, he exhorted the gathering to make efforts to save the environment. Under the Green School Audit Programme, the students and teachers audited various aspects of environment such as water, air, land, garbage, food and energy use in the school and submitted its report to the centre. After the evaluation of this report, the school was chosen for this green award. Headmistress Mamta Gupta congratulated all the students, teachers and parents for this award.

Only two government high schools from Himachal Pradesh have been selected for this award. Details of 101 schools from Solan district were uploaded on the website of the Green Schools Programme by the officials of the Education Department, highlighting their environmental conservation-related endeavour. Out of this, 11 schools of Solan were certified in the ‘green category’ on the basis of the audit conducted by the centre.

She said they had reduced electricity usage, besides converting all the waste of mid-day meals into manure, which was used to replenish plants grown on the campus, among other initiatives.

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