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DPAP will bring law to protect jobs, land for locals: Azad

The DPAP will introduce a law to ensure protection of jobs and land for residents of Jammu and Kashmir if it is elected to power, party chief Ghulam Nabi Azad said on Friday. Azad on Friday addressed three meetings in...
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Ghulam Nabi Azad. File photo

The DPAP will introduce a law to ensure protection of jobs and land for residents of Jammu and Kashmir if it is elected to power, party chief Ghulam Nabi Azad said on Friday. Azad on Friday addressed three meetings in south Kashmir’s Dooru, Qazigund and Devsar, as he canvassed for party candidates.

“If elected to power, we will bring a law where no outsider would be allowed to buy land or secure jobs in Jammu and Kashmir, thereby preserving the rights and opportunities for locals,” he said.

“People are suffering here,” he said, stressing the need for immediate action to address the challenges faced by the locals. He stressed the need to create jobs in various departments to tackle the growing unemployment crisis.


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