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Class VIII student hurt in school fight dies

Hoshiarpur, January 30 A student, who was seriously injured when another one hit him on the head with a brick during the recess break in Government High School, Adamwal, about 10 days ago, died during treatment in a private...
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Hoshiarpur, January 30

A student, who was seriously injured when another one hit him on the head with a brick during the recess break in Government High School, Adamwal, about 10 days ago, died during treatment in a private hospital.

According to information, deceased Dharmendra's mother  Bagwan Shri and relative Manoj said he studied in Class VIII in Government Elementary School, Adamwal. They said on January 18, he had gone to the school and during recess, his class-fellow hit Dharmendra on the head with a brick after an argument over something, due to which he was seriously injured. After this, he was first taken to government dispensary in Adamwal, from where he was referred to the Civil Hospital, Hoshiarpur.


Seeing his critical condition, Dharmendra was admitted to a private hospital in Hoshiarpur, where he died during treatment. Investigating officer of Sadar police station Som Nath said a case had been registered and a search was on for the accused who has fled along with his family.

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