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Garhshankar Youth Cong leader dies as car falls in canal

A young man died after his car overturned in the Bist Doab Canal near Aima Jattan village on the way from Garhshankar to Adampur. The deceased has been identified as 28-year-old Chatinder Singh, alias Moji, son of Gurdeep Singh, resident...
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A young man died after his car overturned in the Bist Doab Canal near Aima Jattan village on the way from Garhshankar to Adampur.

The deceased has been identified as 28-year-old Chatinder Singh, alias Moji, son of Gurdeep Singh, resident of Padrana, Garhshankar. Chatinder Singh was the working head of Youth Congress, Garhshankar.


It is being said last night Chatinder was returning to his village Padrana from Adampur in his car. When the car reached near Aima Jattan, due to fog the road was not visible and the car went out of control and fell into the canal and he died. When people saw the car in the canal this morning, they informed the police and they reached the spot, took the body to the Civil Hospital. The body was handed over to his relatives after conducting the post-mortem.

The car was badly damaged from the front and the glass of the driver's side was completely broken. and Chatinder's body was lying outside the car. This suggests that after the accident, Chatinder must have come out of the car in an injured state and fell. Since it was night, no one came to know about the accident. If someone had come to know about it, then Chatinder might have been saved.



Photo: Car fallen in the canal and the body lying outside, file photo of Chatinder Singh alias.

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