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In Brief: Utensils shop burgled

Phagwara: A utensils shop was reportedly burgled in village Panchhat near Phagwara on Friday night. The burglars entered the shop after demolishing a part of the roof and decamped with Rs 2 lakh lying in cash box after ransacking the...
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Phagwara: A utensils shop was reportedly burgled in village Panchhat near Phagwara on Friday night. The burglars entered the shop after demolishing a part of the roof and decamped with Rs 2 lakh lying in cash box after ransacking the shop. Rajinder Singh, shop owner, told the police that he went to his home after closing the shop but found it burgled when he came the next morning. The police have registered a case under Sections 457 and 380, IPC.

Scooter found stolen from LPU

Phagwara: A scooter (PB-08FJ-2458) was found stolen before the LPU, Phagwara, on Friday. Owner Saiyam Sehgal of Jalandhar told the police that he came to drop his sister posted as professor at the LPU and went inside the university after parking the scooter before its gate but found it stolen. The police have registered a case under Section 379, IPC, and investigating the matter.


Chain snatched by 2 bikers

Phagwara: Two motorcyclists snatched a diamond locket in a gold chain from a woman in local Baba Gadhia locality here on Friday. Victim Shivani Arora told the police that she was sitting outside her house along with her daughter when the accused asked the address of someone and during talks, they snatched the chain and managed to flee. The police have registered a case under Section 379B, IPC.


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