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Teenagers, entrepreneurs pitch in to raise funds for autistic kids

In an endeavour to ensure support and awareness for those from neurodivergent and autistic spectrums, school kids and teenagers from Jalandhar got together to host fundraisers under an initiative by the SOCH Autism Society of Punjab. “Work of heart” an...
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In an endeavour to ensure support and awareness for those from neurodivergent and autistic spectrums, school kids and teenagers from Jalandhar got together to host fundraisers under an initiative by the SOCH Autism Society of Punjab.

“Work of heart” an initiative by children as young as 10 to 13 years is a step towards the same. The first fundraiser under the initiative—featuring all handmade items— was recently held at “Organic Matters” outlet in Jalandhar.

The initiative marks the creation of handcrafted candles, bake sales, hand- made paper flowers, sumptuous food items among others—all under the banner of SOCH. During the recent fundraiser, each visitor was asked to bring a glass jar (to be converted into candles for SOCH’s next fundraiser initiative)—thus collecting 100 jars in a day.


Anjali Dada, founder, SOCH, said, “Work of heart is an endeavour by student entrepreneurs from third, sixth and eighth grades as well as entrepreneur Jessica with her brand ‘Zaika’ which brings in lovely pickles, laddoos and other homemade goodies. The initiative has been conceptualised by youngsters and school children, who’ve worked hard despite tight schedules. We organise art shows and work with under-privileged families with neurodiverse children. The proceeds will be used to further initiatives directed for them.”

Siblings Gital Chopra and Gaurish Chopra—both in Class VI—put up a bake sale for SOCH and recycle books every year to create notebooks. They said, “We put up a bake sale, got some cookies in vanilla and choco chip flavour and also got four chocolate cakes for the fundraiser. They were all sold out. Our younger sister, Fiza Chopra, is gluten allergic and mom started baking for her. Thus, we got the passion of baking. The idea is to help raise funds for the betterment of autistic kids.”


They added, “We have another book recycling drive for which we collect books from people, recycle them into notebooks for the needy. Last time, we recycled 160 sets.”

Anaisha, who collected over 100 glass jars from the visitors, said, “We will fill the jars with wax to make candles so that those associated with SOCH may be benefited.”

Aishwarya (15), said, “I started making paper flowers during the pandemic. I got into paper craft and origami because I had a lot of free time and wanted to do something productive. It’s also one of my hobbies and I wanted to bring my passion here to share with everyone. The SOCH presents a great opportunity to aid communities for which everyone needs to pitch in.”

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