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DC reviews preparations for Voters’ Day programme

Quiz to be held during event on Jan 25, Chief Electoral Officer to felicitate winners
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DC Jitendra Jorwal reviews arrangements ahead of the National Voters’ Day function in Ludhiana.

Tribune News Service

Ludhiana, January 21

The state-level 15th National Voters’ Day celebrations will take place at the Government College for Girls here on January 25. The Chief Electoral Officer of Punjab, Sibin C, will be the chief guest at the event.


Today, during a review meeting of the preparations for the event, the District Election Officer-cum-Deputy Commissioner, Jitendra Jorwal, provided essential directions to the officials to ensure all arrangements for the event were made in time.

He disclosed that an offline quiz, featuring the top 23 district toppers, would be held on Friday, and the winners would be awarded on Saturday by the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO), Sibin C.


Jorwal said Sibin would also honour the best electoral officer, best nodal officer (SVEEP), and best booth level officer (BLO) during the event. A bike rally would also be organised to promote awareness about the right to vote among people.

The DC added that the theme for this year’s National Voters’ Day was ‘Nothing like voting; I vote for sure’. He emphasised the significance of this day, celebrated since January 25, 2011, and stressed that voting was one of the most important tools given to citizens by the Constitution to protect democracy. He encouraged the young people to actively participate in the elections to strengthen democracy.

Jorwal underscored that casting a vote was not only a right but also a duty that everyone should fulfil sincerely to ensure the protection of their rights. He expressed pride in living in a free country such as India and highlighted that Independence was achieved after a great struggle. “It is essential for all citizens to work diligently to fortify democracy by exercising their right to vote,” he added.

ADCs Amarjit Bains, Rohit Gupta, Kulpreet Singh, and Assistant Commissioner Kritika Goyal attended the meeting.

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