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Expedite recovery of property tax, civic body chief tells officials

Municipal Corporation (MC) Commissioner Aaditya Dachalwal and Senior Deputy Mayor Rakesh Prashar conducted a meeting with officials of different branches at the MC Zone-D office on Monday and directed them to expedite the recovery of property tax from property owners....
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MC Commissioner Aaditya Dachalwal and Senior Deputy Mayor Rakesh Prashar chair a meeting in Ludhiana on Monday.

Municipal Corporation (MC) Commissioner Aaditya Dachalwal and Senior Deputy Mayor Rakesh Prashar conducted a meeting with officials of different branches at the MC Zone-D office on Monday and directed them to expedite the recovery of property tax from property owners.

Further, the officials have been directed to move to the field and expedite recovery of tehbazaari fees from street vendors and rent from the rented properties of the civic body. Similarly, the building branch officials were directed to expedite recovery of dues.

MC Additional Commissioner Paramdeep Singh, Joint Commissioner Ankur Mahindroo, Joint Commissioner Abhishek Sharma, Assistant Commissioner Gurpal Singh, MTP Vijay Kumar, Zonal Superintendents, among others, were present in the meeting.


Dachalwal and Prashar directed the officials, including the zonal commissioners, to move to the field for the recovery of the dues from residents. The officials concerned have been directed to achieve the target of recovering Rs 200 crore in property tax for the current financial year (2024-25).

For the recovery of the trade licence fee from property owners, Dachalwal and Prashar also directed the officials concerned to organise camps in the city. They directed officials to take action against violators if they failed to submit their dues.


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