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Parents protest against slapping of 2 students by teacher at school

Teachers allege misbehaviour by children, matter resolved amicably
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Parents of Class X students of Government Senior Secondary School for Boys, Jawahar Nagar Camp, held a protest on Thursday as they alleged that one of the teachers at the school had slapped two students.

The officiating principal of the school, Vishaw Kirat, however, said there was some minor incident and the issue was resolved amicably between teachers and parents.

She said one of the teachers asked a student of Class X, who was accompanied with another student, to stand properly and the boy reportedly argued and misbehaved with the teacher, following which he was slapped. The child also misbehaved with the school in-charge. The other student also disobeyed the teacher when he was asked to go to his class, she said.


The parents, who had come to protest on Thursday, were told about the whole incident by the teachers and the Principal and the former later realised that it was the mistake of the students. They felt sorry and the issue was amicably resolved, claimed the officiating principal.

She added that the report of the incident was also sent to the DEO office.


The mothers of the two students had alleged that their wards were slapped by the teacher. One of them said her son, a student of Class X, was slapped by the teacher on Thursday over some minor issue.

The mother of the other child also alleged that his son was also slapped by the teacher several times. The parents said they got a medical test of the children done at the Civil Hospital and a complaint had been lodged at Police Chowki, Kochar Market, in this regard.

Later, the issue between both parties was resolved amicably.

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