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Punjab Agricultural University releases itinerary for kisan mela

The Directorate of Extension Education, Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), has released an itinerary for the forthcoming kisan melas, slated to be held in March. These melas, being farmer-friendly, technology-friendly, and eco-friendly, have been instrumental in uplifting the socio-economic landscape of...
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Punjab Agricultural University Ludhiana - File photo

The Directorate of Extension Education, Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), has released an itinerary for the forthcoming kisan melas, slated to be held in March. These melas, being farmer-friendly, technology-friendly, and eco-friendly, have been instrumental in uplifting the socio-economic landscape of the farming families and Punjab’s agriculture sector at large.

Sharing the details of the schedule, Dr MS Bhullar, Director of Extension Education, PAU, said that melas would begin on March 5 at Nagkalan Jahangir, Amritsar. This would be followed by one at Ballowal Saunkhri on March 7 and Faridkot on March 11. Further, he said the melas at Gurdaspur, Bathinda, and Rauni (Patiala) would be organised on March 13, 18, and 25, respectively. The two-day on-campus Kisan Mela would take off in Ludhiana on March 21 and 22, he added.

With agriculture facing challenges of water scarcity and extreme weather, Dr Satbir Singh Gosal, Vice-Chancellor, PAU, observed that it was high time to give impetus to conservation of natural resources. Quitting the traditional monoculture of wheat-paddy cultivation and going in for the production of non-water-intensive crop varieties was the need of the hour, he said. Calling upon farmers to participate in the upcoming kisan melas, Dr Gosal urged them to leverage this unique opportunity to learn about the latest exotic crop varieties, such as raspberry, strawberry, blueberry, coloured bell peppers, avocado, etc which would help bring another revolution in Punjab’s agriculture sector.


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