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Tension flares up in two villages after police raid

Tension flared up at Chahar and Bagga Kalan villages early this morning when cops in large numbers reached the villages and rounded up several villagers. The latter alleged that cops had come with a motive to forcibly remove them from...
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Tension flared up at Chahar and Bagga Kalan villages early this morning when cops in large numbers reached the villages and rounded up several villagers. The latter alleged that cops had come with a motive to forcibly remove them from the protest site at Bagga Kalan village. They even damaged their tent and took away the trailer parked outside the under-construction biogas plant.

Recently, the villagers had set up a permanent morcha outside the plant under the aegis of the Sangharsh Committee, Bagga Kalan, and vowed that they would not let this plant to run at any cost. The protesters expressed concern that the poisonous gas emanating from the plant will not only pollute the environment, but will also have a serious impact on the health of their children.

Sukhwinder Singh Hambran, leader of BKU (Dakonda), said that at around 4 am cops in over 12 vehicles reached the village and forcibly entered the houses of people who were holding protest against the setting up of biogas plant. “The cops rounded up villagers. As the news spread in the village, villagers stopped the police vehicles and didn’t allow them to move out. It was only when the rounded-up people were released that the villagers allowed the cops to go. By conducting the raid, the police wanted to force the villagers to shun the protest and allow the biogas plant being run by Reliance to start,” added Hambran. He added that they condemn the approach of Ludhiana police and would not tolerate any such action in future.


Meanwhile, DCP Investigation Shubham Aggarwal said that the police had not rounded up any villagers. The cops had gone to hold a meeting with the Sangharsh Committee members as they were to be taken to some other biogas plants already functioning. A meeting with the committee members was going on at the time of filing of this report.

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