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Two from Punjab among 3 truckers die in Canada crash

Three persons, including two truck drivers of Punjabi descent, have been killed in a head-on collision in Canada. One of the victims, Navpreet Singh Navi of Haryana, was related to a family belonging to Shutrana village, near here. The second...
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Three persons, including two truck drivers of Punjabi descent, have been killed in a head-on collision in Canada.

One of the victims, Navpreet Singh Navi of Haryana, was related to a family belonging to Shutrana village, near here. The second victim, Arshdeep Singh, hailed from Hathur village, near Jagraon, in Ludhiana, while the third, who is yet to be identified, is also stated to be of Punjabi origin and a permanent resident of Canada.

Karan Singh Waraich and Rupinder Singh of Shutrana said their sister was married to a resident of Jundla village in Karnal, Haryana. Her younger son, Navi, who had gone to Canada in search of employment over a year ago, was involved in a fatal accident there, they said.


His truck collided with another truck-trailer heading from the opposite direction near Ontario. Navi, along with the driver and co-driver of the other truck, died in the accident. The families have urged the Punjab and Haryana governments to assist in bringing back the bodies of the victims to perform their last rites.

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