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Govt 'smart' play: 2 Jalandhar schools in a building

Aakanksha N Bhardwaj Jalandhar, December 5 Two government schools are being run in double shift from a cramped building at Kabir Nagar here since 2010. In the name of ‘smart’ school, the building has CCTV cameras and evenly painted walls,...
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Aakanksha N Bhardwaj

Jalandhar, December 5

Two government schools are being run in double shift from a cramped building at Kabir Nagar here since 2010. In the name of ‘smart’ school, the building has CCTV cameras and evenly painted walls, but not enough space.


In the morning shift, from 7.30 am to 12.30 pm, 250 students attend classes at Government Primary Smart School, which has only two rooms and a hall. Owing to acute space crunch, students of pre-primary schools have to be accommodated in the staff room. Besides, there is no playground, and students are served midday meal in classrooms. The two toilets on the ground floor of the premises are located close to the classes and students are forced to put up with constant stench.

The middle school, which has 105 students, starts at 12.30 pm till 5.30 pm. When a team of


The Tribune visited the school, it was found that one of the classes was being held in the hall, where several almirahs containing books were also kept.

Teachers said a building had been constructed near the Burlton Park area where the middle school was to be shifted. “But we don’t know when it will be done,” said one of them.

Kultaran Singh, deputy education officer, primary wing, Education Department, said the school building at Burlton Park was yet to be completed. “When the project is completed, we will see if students can be shifted there,” he said.

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