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State police chief empanelled for DG post at Centre

DGP Gaurav Yadav has been empanelled for the post of Director-General of a central security force or an agency. He is the only officer from the 1992 batch of the Indian Police Service (IPS) cadre to be so empanelled. Yadav...
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Punjab DGP Gaurav Yadav

DGP Gaurav Yadav has been empanelled for the post of Director-General of a central security force or an agency.

He is the only officer from the 1992 batch of the Indian Police Service (IPS) cadre to be so empanelled. Yadav had earlier superseded a number of IPS officers in the state for the post of DGP, Punjab. Four officers, 1991-batch Sanjeev Kalra and Parag Jain, besides 1992-batch Sharad Satya Chauhan and Hapreet Singh Sidhu, are senior to him. Yadav is scheduled to retire in April 2029, while others will retire in 2027 and 2028.

The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet (ACC) on Monday cleared the empanelment of five IPS officers for holding top positions at the Centre.


The officers empanelled for holding Director General (DG) and DG-equivalent posts are Nuzhat Hassan and Gaurav Yadav, while those empanelled for DG-equivalent posts are Ch D Tirumala Rao, Aditya Misra and Idashisha Nongrang. Yadav has surpassed many officers for the top position in the state and at the Centre. It also consolidates his position as the head of the Punjab Police.

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