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DC Montessori School, Chandigarh

Republic Day was celebrated at the school. The campus was beautifully adorned with Tricolour flags and vibrant decorations, creating a patriotic ambiance. The celebration began with a morning assembly, where students expressed their devotion to the nation through a variety...
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Republic Day was celebrated at the school. The campus was beautifully adorned with Tricolour flags and vibrant decorations, creating a patriotic ambiance. The celebration began with a morning assembly, where students expressed their devotion to the nation through a variety of performances. The kindergarten students participated with enthusiasm, showcasing their love for the country through poems, dances, fancy dress, and speeches. The highlight was the dynamic and enthralling dance performance by Class IX students, which captivated the audience. Principal Vishali Kaushal addressed the students, emphasising the importance of Republic Day and the Constitution. She highlighted the responsibilities of citizens. The event reflected the school’s dedication to instilling patriotism, national pride, and civic awareness in its students.

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