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Dyal Singh Public School, Panipat

National Voters Day was celebrated by the Legal Literacy Club and the Department of Social Sciences at the school. The main objective of it was to make children aware of the foundation day of the Election Commission of India and...
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National Voters Day was celebrated by the Legal Literacy Club and the Department of Social Sciences at the school. The main objective of it was to make children aware of the foundation day of the Election Commission of India and to encourage young voters to participate in the election process. Children of classes VI to XII participated. Children emphasised the importance of participation in the electoral process through various activities. Naman, Kriti and Raghav Singh delivered speeches about the importance of casting votes. A student, Palki, recited a poem. Naman, Arpita and Raghav presented a PPT describing that voters should feel proud in exercising their franchise. Principal Dr Vinita Kumar Tomar, in her address, said the day is important for every citizen of India because the vote of every person in India lays the foundation for the future of the country. The stage was conducted by students Vanya and Sanvi.

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