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Saint Soldier International School, Mohali

The school conducted a workshop on menstrual hygiene for the girls of classes V and VI to promote health awareness and gender inclusivity. The workshop aimed at breaking the stigma around menstruation while educating students on its importance for overall...
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The school conducted a workshop on menstrual hygiene for the girls of classes V and VI to promote health awareness and gender inclusivity. The workshop aimed at breaking the stigma around menstruation while educating students on its importance for overall well-being. The resource person, Aaushi, a representative from Procter & Gamble, educated the girls on the importance of personal hygiene, managing periods confidently, and debunking common misconceptions about menstruation. She explained the biological process behind the natural phenomenon in detail. The workshop focused on educating students about menstruation, addressing common myths and fostering open dialogue about this essential aspect of health and wellness. To make the session more interesting and easy to comprehend, various visual aids were also used. The much needed education on using and disposing sanitary products properly was also provided to the participants. The session concluded with a question and answer round to clear all doubts.

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