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SD Vidya School, Ambala Cantonment

The school celebrated Republic Day. Shaurya Chakra Col Tara Chand, Major Harbans Chaudhary, Subedar Major Dharam Pal Singh, Subedar Major Sanjeev Kashyap, Middle and Senior Wing Director Vandna Mehta and SK Khanna were present along with the teaching and non-teaching...
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The school celebrated Republic Day. Shaurya Chakra Col Tara Chand, Major Harbans Chaudhary, Subedar Major Dharam Pal Singh, Subedar Major Sanjeev Kashyap, Middle and Senior Wing Director Vandna Mehta and SK Khanna were present along with the teaching and non-teaching faculty. They were welcomed by the pipe band students of the school. Col Tara Chand unfurled the national flag which was followed by the singing of the national anthem. While extending his warmest wishes on the special day, he commended Director Principal Neelinderjeet Kaur Sandhu for the inspiring leadership and visionary approach. The school was decorated with Tricolour balloons, streamers and banners to celebrate the great day. Students of the school participated in the District Administration’s Republic Day celebrations held at SD College, Ambala Cantonment. The school’s students, in collaboration with the Haryana State Council for Child Welfare, RCC, Ambala, and Haryana State Scouts and Guides, Ambala, presented a tableau on ‘Ek Nayaab Kadam: Unaashrit Bachchon Ki Saarthi Yojna”, which was appreciated by Labour, Energy and Transport Minister Anil Vij. A beautiful ‘Sammi’ dance was performed by 30 students of the school at the Sub-Divisional Republic Day celebrations in Ambala City. The performance was highly appreciated by Rajya Sabha Member Rekha Sharma. BK Soni, president of the school, stated that it is extremely important to make the students aware of their duties and responsibilities so that they become patriotic and sensitive citizens of the nation.

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