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Smart Wonders School, Sector 71, Mohali

The school celebrated Republic Day that truly captured the spirit of unity and national pride. The programme began with a prayer for the peace and prosperity of the nation, setting a reflective tone for the occasion. An engaging nukkad natak,...
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The school celebrated Republic Day that truly captured the spirit of unity and national pride. The programme began with a prayer for the peace and prosperity of the nation, setting a reflective tone for the occasion. An engaging nukkad natak, performed by the students, vividly portrayed the significance of the Constitution and the responsibilities it bestows upon every citizen. The event also featured a captivating mime and an energetic dance performance. Thought-provoking speeches were delivered by students, discussing the vision of the Constitution’s framers, with special mention of Dr BR Ambedkar and the role of the Constitution in shaping India as a democratic republic. The event concluded with the singing of the national anthem and a collective pledge to contribute towards our nation’s growth and unity. Principal Poonamjit Kaur addressed the gathering with a heartfelt message, emphasising the importance of celebrating Republic Day as a reminder of the sacrifices made for the freedom and democratic values we enjoy today.

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