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Sri Guru Harkrishan Sen Sec Public School, Sector 40-C, Chandigarh

The school celebrated Republic Day on its premises with a colourful cultural programme. Dr Paramjit Singh, member in-charge, School Managing Committee, TP Singh, honorary secretary, Inderjeet Singh, member, School Managing Committee, and Principal Shama Kukkal unfurled the national flag. The...
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The school celebrated Republic Day on its premises with a colourful cultural programme. Dr Paramjit Singh, member in-charge, School Managing Committee, TP Singh, honorary secretary, Inderjeet Singh, member, School Managing Committee, and Principal Shama Kukkal unfurled the national flag. The celebrations commenced with the singing of national song ‘Vande Mataram’, followed by a speech delivery and singing of patriotic songs by students. Then the boys’ bhangra team of the school took the stage by storm with their scintillating performance, which was followed by a vibrant patriotic mashup by junior as well as senior students of the school. Dr Paramjit Singh, in his address, congratulated all on the auspicious occasion and motivated students to improve themselves for the betterment of the nation. TP Singh also congratulated and enlightened the students about relevance of celebrating Republic Day in contemporary times. The Principal thanked the dignitaries for sparing their valuable time and attending the celebrations to bless the school and she motivated the students to work towards being responsible citizens of the country. The programme concluded with distribution of ‘laddoos’ among all.

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