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Planetary Parade: How and when to watch 6 planets’ rare line-up in India

Best time to see starry display is forty-five minutes after sunset
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Everyone is talking about the six planets getting together at one time in the sky. This rare planetary alignment takes place every 396 years, reports BBC.

Six planets, including Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, would parade in a line in a rare celestial event on January 25.

Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn would be visible with the naked eye, while for Uranus and Neptune, you would need a telescope.


The best time to see the starry display is 45 minutes after the sunset.

Of these planets, Venus would be the brightest and most visible. Mars's red hue would make it resemble a bright lightbulb. Jupiter would look like a tiny dot in the southern sky, while Saturn would look like a tiny dot in the western sky.


Because of their distance from the other planets, Uranus and Neptune appear as small, bright dots but are invisible to the naked eye.

Mercury would not be in the lineup. However, it can be seen joining the procession by the end of February. The best time to see the celestial event is between February 28 and March 12, when the planetary alignment would be at its strongest.

The planetary alignment would be visible across India. Most cities would be able to witness this rare event. Choose a spot with an unobstructed view of the western horizon. To minimise light pollution, opt for a location away from city lights. Clear skies are crucial for the best viewing experience.

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