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Watch: Donald and Melania Trump share an air kiss on stage before inauguration

As Trump went to kiss his wife after entering the Capitol Rotunda, the hat left only room for an air kiss
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US President Donald J. Trump celebrates with family after being sworn in during the ceremony for the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 47th president of the United States. Reuters

First lady Melania Trump had several iconic moments while attending her husband’s inauguration.  The awkward kiss, the iconic hat and the smile Melania Trump.

Melania was at his side, but her expressions were hard to see thanks to a wide-brimmed hat that obscured her eyes.


The First Lady made her own fashion statement, sporting a navy wide-brimmed hat by an American designer on Inauguration Day.

The hat designed by Eric Javits shielded the first lady's eyes as her husband was sworn in Monday for the second time. Javits said dressing the first lady has been one of the greatest honours of his career.


The hat made its mark throughout the inauguration ceremony: As Trump went to kiss his wife after entering the Capitol Rotunda, the hat left only room for an air kiss. Even now-former President Joe Biden had to navigate around the hat while trying to talk to her husband on the other side.

Trump, speaking in Emancipation Hall after the swearing-in ceremony, joked about his wife's hat nearly blowing away. “She almost blew away,” Trump said with a laugh. “She was being elevated off the ground.”

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