Israelis can now find out how much money they can make renting their rooves for solar power
Tel Aviv [Israel], February 5 (ANI/TPS): Israel's Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure and the Israel Mapping Center are launched for the general public what they called a "groundbreaking tool" on an international scale that allows you to calculate the potential for solar energy production on your roof and the expected income from the sale of electricity.
The innovative system is based on the government map server (GOVMAP), and presents the public, online and in a simple manner, the potential for solar energy production and includes information about the following uses:
Potential for solar energy production on building roofs across all land uses: residential, commercial, industrial, public institutions, and agriculture in built-up areas in Israeli communities.
Potential for solar energy production through shading in public spaces: sports fields, public parking lots, cemeteries and other public areas.
The system uses advanced algorithms and artificial intelligence tools to automatically map available areas where solar systems can be installed, analyzes the intensity of solar radiation and subtracts areas occupied by existing solar systems. The system also calculates the possible installed power of the solar panels and their expected total production hours.
Using this data, it will be possible to easily understand, using a running calculator on the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure website, the potential for solar energy production for each roof in Israel, as well as to obtain an estimate of the annual income from the sale of electricity from this roof. (ANI/TPS)
(The story has come from a syndicated feed and has not been edited by the Tribune Staff.)