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September 10, 2001, Chandigarh, India
Few takers for extension across the Ghaggar Panchkula, September 9 There are a total of 148 cooperative group housing societies with a membership of nearly 10,000 in Panchkula. Most of the societies have been allotted land in newly-carved sectors across the Ghaggar. But, of these, 80 cooperative group housing societies have already surrendered land allotted to them in various sectors and sought a refund from the HUDA, according to Mr B.K. Sanghi, president of the Haryana Group Housing Promoters and Builders Federation. Many of the remaining societies too are taking a close look at the situation before deciding their next course of action. A general slump in the real estate sector, a surfeit of cooperative flats available in Chandigarh, SAS Nagar as also in certain areas of Panchkula together with the cracks which appeared in the earth near Nada Sahib in Sector 23 of Panchkula seem to be keeping buyers at bay. One of the biggest ‘put-off factors’ for the potential buyers has been the failure by the HUDA to develop proper infrastructure in the new sectors. The other factor is the Nada fissure. Despite best efforts by the HUDA to emphasise that the fissure that appeared in the earth near Nada Sahib shortly after the Gujarat earthquake earlier this year does not pose any threat to future colonisation in the area, it has not fully convinced people so far. Of the 21 group housing societies allotted land in the fissure-affected Sector 23, five have already surrendered land and taken refund from the HUDA. Many of the remaining societies are in two minds. According to Mr Sanghi, if the HUDA wants to make a success of its group housing societies scheme and to attract buyers for land in across-the-Ghaggar sectors, then it should think in terms of issuing a certificate to the buyers that the area is safe for habitation and that it is fit for constructing multi-storey buildings. Otherwise, people will continue to shy away from Panchkula township which is otherwise one of the best urban settlements in this part of the country. Meanwhile, in a significant development, the Haryana Group Housing Promoters and Builders Federation, at a meeting held here today, decided to form a Joint Action Committee to resolve the problems being faced by the Cooperative Group Housing Societies which have been allotted land by the HUDA in Sector 23. This move has been necessitated by the ‘ïnsensitivity’ displayed by the HUDA towards the needs of the housing societies which have been in a state of turmoil because of the general impression about the tectonic instability of the land in Sector 23. This has been brought out by the geological assessments carried out by different outfits and highlighted in newspapers. This impression has been reinforced by the presence of large fissures that have appeared in this area. It is suspected that this is either due to tectonic movements or there is a major fault along this geographical line. The members of the JAC include Mr J.L. Bakshi of the Bhai Mati Dass Cooperative GHS; Mr Madhusudan Sharma of the New Libra Cooperative GHS; Mr B.K. Sanghi of the S.S. Cooperative GHS, Mr S.K. Goyal of Aarti Cooperative GHS and Mr S.R. Khatri of State Bank of India Cooperative GHS and Dr Ranjit Sharma, the Creative Cooperative GHS. The federation said,‘‘It is hopeful of sensitising the officials of HUDA to the urgent demands of the group housing societies as regards the suitability of the piece of land for housing and development projects’’. |
Iqbal wrote poems on Rama: Dutta Chandigarh, September 9 Professor Datta, who gave a lecture analysing Iqbal’s poetry to understand the poet’s role vis-a-vis Partition, also questioned the authenticity of some of Iqbal’s letters written to M.A. Jinnah during 1937 and 1938. These letters were used by the Muslim League to claim that Iqbal was in favour of the two-nation theory which paved the way for the creation of Pakistan. Professor Datta, historian, who is currently working on a book on Partition, said it was surprising that the original copies of these letters were not available. The speaker was of the opinion that some of the words in these letters were tampered with to suit the two-nation theory of the Muslim League. Narrating Iqbal’s transformation from a liberal poet to a passionate Muslim, Professor Datta said that at one stage Iqbal was even found to be an admirer of Lord Krishna and the Bhagwadgita and penned poems eulogising Lord Rama. It was at that phase of his life that he wrote poems such as Taranaa-e-Hind. However, all that changed after Iqbal’s return from Europe in 1908. Subsequently, he, as well as many other Muslim intellectuals, became followers Jalaluddin Afghani, a Muslim communalist leader. Iqbal’s new incarnation at that phase was that of a firebrand poet who was a propagator of pan Islamism. In that phase he wrote poems about Muslims taking over China, India and other countries. When Iqbal got involved in active politics after 1924, his sympathies were not with Jinnah, who was Western educated and had secular ideals at that point of time. Iqbal was rather inclined to support the more orthodox group within the Muslim League. To conclude, Professor Datta said that Iqbal was not in favour of territorial nationalism and, secondly, he supported the idea of a theocratic state. However, Jinnah, like an astute politician, misrepresented the poet’s ideas and used his poetry for creating support for the two-nation theory among the Muslims. The lecture session, presided over by Prof Matin Zuberi, was enlivened by some insightful comments by Prof P.N. Dhar and the veteran parliamentarian from Kashmir, Mr Saifuddin Soz. |
INTERACTIVE Chandigarh, September 9 Question: What have been your achievements in this term? Answer: My achievements include recarpeting and strengthening of the V-6 roads in Sectors 41-A, 41-B, 41-C, 41-D, 42-B, 42-C, 43-A and 43-B, the V-4 roads in Sectors 41-A, 41-B, 42-A, 43-A and 43-B, the V-5 roads in Sectors 41 and 42 and the V-3 road dividing Sector 41 and 42 and Sectors 51 and 52. Internal roads of Attawa, Butrela and Badheri villages and the rehabilitation colony of Kajheri have also been strengthened. The other development works include the construction of community centres in Sector 41-C, the rehabilitation colony of Kajheri; parking lots in Sectors 41-D, 42-C, 43-B and in front of the booths on the V-4 roads. Pathways in the green belts of Sectors 41 and 43 have also been constructed. Railing and the other material have also been provided in various locality parks of Sectors 41, 42 , 43. Storm-water-drianage system has been set up and improved in Sectors 41-A, 41-B, 42-C and Kajheri. Public-toilet blocks have been built in shopping centre of Sector 41-C and 41-D. Pumps and boosters have been provided for government houses of Sectors 41-B and 42-C. Estimates for digging deep-bore tubewells for improving drinking-water supply in Sector 43, Kajheri, Attawa, Butrela and Badheri have been approved. I have been able to do a lot for the welfare of slum dwellers, residents of villages and the urban electorate. Question: What have you failed to do for the electorate and why? Answer: Though the expectations of the electorate from the first MC were high, a lot could not be accomplished due to the overlapping of powers of the MC and the Administration. The Electrical Wing and the Town and Country Planning and Architecture Department are now under the control of the MC, so, things will improve now. I wanted to develop three villages (Attawa, Butrela and Burail) of my ward as model villages, but, in the absence of building bylaws, I was unable to do so. I could have accomplished much more if I had more powers as the Mayor. Question: How did you use the MC to redress the grievances of people? Answer: People were free to get in touch with me anywhere and anytime. In case of any major problem, I would visit the area. For redressing minor grievances, I would call up officials concerned. I tried to be organised and maintained a daily diary for this purpose. In many cases, I would take officials concerned to the site. Question: What were your election promises? Answer: I made no tall promises, but did a lot for providing the people with a clean administration and a beautiful city. In the election campaign, I had assure voters that I would provide them with better roads and parking areas, proper drinking water and sewerage facilities and parks. I had promised them that pending development works would be completed. Question: How has been the response of your party? Answer: The party left it to councillors to implement the party manifesto. Question: How much support have you received from the bureaucracy as a councillor? Answer: Officials of the MC and the Administration have been cooperative and supportive. Question: Would you like to recontest the election in view of your performance? Answer: If party directs me to do so, I shall honour its decision. Question: What advice would you have for your successor, in case you do not contest? Answer: I will always be available to help my successor and the people. I shall share my experiences with him or her as and when he or she desires. Question: Why should voters vote for you? Answer: I have strived hard for the overall development of my ward. Voters should judge me on the basis of my performance. Question: What have you gained by being a councillor? Answer: The love and affection of the people. I derive my satisfaction out of working for the people, especially women and the poor.
PUDA administration ‘top heavy’ despite rules SAS Nagar, September 9 After having employed a retired Chief Engineer, Mr NS Sodhi, as Technical Adviser — on a monthly salary of Rs 15,000 — to advise the authority on all engineering aspects, a retired Chief Engineer from CPWD has been engaged as Technical Adviser ( Electrical). The authority was reportedly going ahead to engage another retired technocrat from sewerage board as Technical Adviser (Public Health). Both the technocrats, being engaged on the advise of Mr Sodhi, would reportedly be paid on the basis of their visits. They would be advising the engineering wing of the authority on matters relating to Public Health and Electrical for which the PUDA has already eight Superintending Engineers, besides a Chief Engineer and a strong force of Executive Engineers. The authority, in the past, had created two posts of Additional Chief Engineer (ACA) at the head office and had created certain posts at the top level by circumventing its rules and regulations. Sources in the department said that this all had happened despite buzz word by the Punjab Government to right-size its departments. A official in the authority said making the top administration heavy would mean extra financial burden on the authorities. Engineers in the department lamented that the department had already enough technical skills and staff to handle the projects being currently undertaken by the authority in various cities of Punjab. Another decision to appoint separate staff for new projects had created resentment among the lower rung officials, who lamented that it was leading to overlapping of jurisdiction. A Executive Engineer from PWD (B and R) was brought on deputation as SE (projects ) two months ago to handle the PUDA head office complex at SAS Nagar, District Administrative Complex (DAC’s) at Moga and Hoshiarpur. Whereas there was already enough staff within the existing circles. The earlier SE (projects) from PWD (B and R) had gone back to his parent department after the controversy at MIMT complex at Malout. Sources said there were eight SEs, around 30 Executive Engineer in the Public Health and Electrical wing of the PUDA. The issue of taking SDOs and JEs on deputation was likely to attract strong resentment from the employees union. |
Thermometer removed from stomach Chandigarh, September 9 According to Dr Nagpal,
Vimal, a mentally challanged person, who had been suffering from fever, had swallowed the thermometer. “His mother was naturally in complete panic when she realised that he had swallowed the thermometer. After checking his mouth for glass or mercury residues, he was immediately rushed to their family doctor,” said Dr Nagpal. Vimal was referred
to Dr Nagpal. Using videoscopy, he examined the upper gastrointestinal tract of the patient, following which the thermometer was caught in a snare and gently removed in a procedure lasting four to five minutes. |
OF THE WEEK Chandigarh The day she was presented the award by the Adviser to the UT Administrator, Ms Neeru Nanda, some people went up to the stage to touch her feet in the midst of the ceremony. A painting contest was also a part of the Trust’s function. Close to 300 entries were received on women’s liberation and environmental concern. Three prizes were awarded in two categories of Class V to VIII and another of Class IX to XII. As the week passed by, some good news was received from CITCO which seems to be in the process of uplifting its hotels and other joints. The latest project is that of providing pubs in Park View hotel, as also in the baithak at Kala Gram along the Chandigarh-Shimla Highway. Enquiries have already started flowing in about the date of inauguration. Meanwhile, Studio 17 is looking up with a brand new art gallery. Despite being housed in a commercial studio, the gallery will offer space to budding artists free of cost. So all those who are interested in something novel and fresh (apart from what is offered by Indus Ind art gallery, Art Folio et al) can now try their hands at Teji’s art gallery which will soon be operational. The Punjab Tourism Development Corporation has earned appreciation for its Food and Crafts Mela which will begin on September 14. The festival will have, apart from the food and crafts, a musical extravaganza. The Punjab Government has compromised at nothing less than Puran Chand Wadali for sufi gayaki. They have also roped in Hans Raj Hans’s guru, Puran Shahkoti, for another sufi recital. Apart from that there will be other cultural troupes to add zing to the function. The Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) has also become active these days. In the past two weeks, they have organised two main functions — one by Ustad Salim Iqbal at Pracheen Kala Kendra and the other at Punjab Kala Bhawan by Malwa Sabhyacharak Samiti. |
Short circuit in DD Kendra Chandigarh, September 9 Sources said the short-circuit occurred in the cables that supply power to the DD Metro low-power transmitter (LPT) at about 7.15 am. However, an official of the Prasar Bharati said the transmission had been stopped to avoid any major fault and restored immediately after the wires had been tapped. The sources said a similar short-circuit had occurred a couple of days ago in a distribution board. |
Seminar marks Literacy Day
celebrations Chandigarh, September 9 The keynote speaker, Mr Kamal Arora, stressed upon the need to accelerate the literacy drive and taking it to the slums and villages. Mr Surjeet Patheja, District Chairman, quest programme, touched upon the various issues relating to adolescence and solution for the problem. Mr Renu Bali, Region Coordinator, pointed out that parents, teachers and quest councillors had to work together for solving the problems facing the young minds. |
2 held for threatening
girl Chandigarh, September 9 According to an FIR registered under sections 506 and 509 of the IPC, Mr Jai Pal Singh has alleged that the accused threatened his daughter yesterday at about 10 a.m. Two cases of theft: A LML Vespa scooter (CH-01W-0128) was stolen from Sector 39 last night. The police has registered a case under Section 379 of the IPC. In another case, Kamal Kant was caught red-handed while stealing a purse containing Rs 200 from near the ISBT, Sector 17. PO arrested: The police has arrested Puran Masih, a resident of Bapu Dham Colony yesterday. He was wanted in a case of rioting and assault. Liquor seized: The Crime Branch personnel arrested Heera Lal from Colony No. 5 late this evening and seized 13 bottles of liquor from him. He has been booked under various sections of the Excise Act. PANCHKULA Car stolen:
A Maruti Car was stolen from the courtyard of a house in Sector 11 on Saturday night. Mr S.N. Dhiman, owner of the car (HR-03E-4737), complained that the car was stolen from outside of his house. A case has been registered by the police. |
boy missing Chandigarh, September 9 He went missing after he left his house on July 3, 2001. A report in this connection has been filed in the Sector 34 police station. |
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