September 10, 2001, Chandigarh, India![]() ![]() ![]()
CM lays
stone of water scheme 12 bail skippers
arrested Mining
Dept puts farmers at disadvantage Living
shown dead on voters’ list In the
service of the poor, sick |
attitude wastes one year of students Yamunanagar
tops in plantation drive Sirsa colonies face water shortage Officials
laxity annoys Kataria IN FOCUS IN FOCUS AMBALA DIARY
CM lays stone of water scheme Jind, September 9 For this purpose new pipelines would be laid beside constructing new water works and boosting stations. Mr Chautala was addressing a public meeting after laying the foundation stone of a water supply scheme at Gangoli village in this district last evening. The Chief Minister said to augment irrigation facilities, a sum of Rs 12 crore had been provided to the Punjab Government for the desilting of the Bhakra Canal so that Haryana could get its full share of 10.5 thousand cusecs of water. He said there was a dearth of natural resources in the state and drains were being utilised for providing irrigation water to the fields. Referring to the power position in the state, the Chief Minister said during the previous regime only 188 mw of power was generated while during the past two years as many as 499 mw of power was added in the state. Efforts were on to generate power in the state within the next three years so that it could be supplied to other states also. He said that three gas-based thermal power plants had been sanctioned by the Government of India for Haryana while tenders had been floated for the 500 mw Yamunanagar power plant. He said the seventh and eighth units of Panipat thermal power plant would also be constructed to overcome the power crisis in the state. He said 360 mw of power would be available from the Panipat
refinery. The Chief Minister reiterated that the Haryana Government was committed to eradicating corruption from society and efforts were on in this regard. All
recruitment was being made on merit. He urged the people to bring cases of corruption to the notice of the government so that stern action could be taken against the culprits. He said if all power consumers deposited their power bills well in time, electricity would be provided on half rate to the consumers. Speaking on this occasion, Mr K.C. Sharma, Financial Commissioner and Secretary, Public Health Department, said a sum of Rs 35 crore was being spent in Jind district alone for augmenting water supply in 101 villages. He said a sum of Rs 200 crores was being spent to provide enhanced potable water in 700 villages in the state. Special schemes had been formulated by the Public Health Department for providing more drinking water in Narwana, Jind, Uchana and Safidon towns. The Chief Minister also laid the foundation stone of a water supply scheme at Brar Khera village in this district. The Chief Minister also presided over the District Grievances and Redressal Committee meeting at Jind. Most complaints were disposed of on the spot. Mr Krishan Panwar, Chairman, Haryana Housing Board, Mr R.N. Chalia, I.G, Hisar Range, Mr H.S. Dhankar, Deputy Commissioner, and Mr O.P. Singh, Superintendent of Police, Jind, were also present. |
Mining Dept puts farmers at
disadvantage Chandigarh, September 9 According to informed sources, the department’s failure, which may be deliberate or otherwise, to properly implement the Mineral Concession Rules, 1960, has helped the mining lease holders in the state to take the panchayats and the farmers of the state in general and Faridabad and Gurgaon districts in particular for a ride. Under Rule 22(h) of these rules, it is mandatory for an applicant to attach “a statement in writing that the applicant has, where the land is not owned by him, obtained surface rights over the area or has obtained the consent of the owner for starting prospecting operations.” However, an applicant is not required to attach such a statement in case the land is owned by the government. The sources say this rule has been seldom applied by the department. Once the lease is granted or renewed in respect of a particular area, the owner of the land, who may be an individual or a panchayat, is left with no bargaining power vis-a-vis the lease holder. The owner has to be satisfied with whatever fee is offered to him by the lease holder. However, the sources say, if the department implements Rule 22(h) faithfully, the bargaining power of the panchayats or the farmers vis-a-vis those who are desirous of getting a mining lease of their land increases mainfold. The sources say it is a simple principle of economics based on demand and supply. Since usually there is more than one person interested in having the mining rights in a particular mining area, the panchayats and the farmers can get better value for their land. The RPI MLA, Mr Karan Singh Dalal, says that though in the past the department never implemented this rule, it should not make it a precedent. The rule must be invoked while granting a new lease or renewing an old one. Mr Dalal says the department is in the process of granting mining rights in respect of about 50 new or old mines for which about 1,000 applications have been received. If the department fails to implement the mandatory provisions, all leases granted by it will be illegal and can be challenged before a court of law. |
Living shown dead on voters’
list Kaithal, September 9 A signed complaint was handed over to Mr Rampal Mazra, Chief Parliamentary Secretary, Haryana, at the local rest house here today by the aggrieved persons in this regard. One of the victims, Jagira, accompanied by some villagers, including panches, told Mr Mazra that when he went to the patwari Chander Bhan, to get a domicile certificate verified for his wards, the patwari pointed that his name figured in the list of dead persons after a survey conducted to update the voters lists. Jagira said he told him that it might have been a clerical mistake and should be rectified. To his surprise, his family was served a notice regarding the deletion of the name of Jagira from the voters list on account of he being declared dead. Jagira said the patwari had declared 17 more persons of the village dead, whereas only one or two had died. The patwari also showed the migration of some villagers to other villages. He said the matter was brought to the notice of Amar Singh Dhandey, MLA, Guhla, Mr Leela Ram, MLA, Kaithal, and Mr Rajeev Mehta, SDM, Guhla. |
In the service of the poor,
sick Yamunanagar The first and most important field of its activities was the local Mukund Lal Civil Hospital, where the poor came for treatment. The poor and unattended indoor patients in the hospital were provided with medicines, food and milk. The sabha had provided two rooms for doctors in hospital. Mr I.M. Talwar, president of the sabha, stated that this NGO, with the help of the hospital authorities, organised eye check-up and operation camps in rural areas. In addition, a camp for treatment and checking of teeth was also held for school students. Widows also came to the camp and were helped with rations, clothes etc. at the time of the marriage of their daughters. Mr Talwar pointed out that poor students of government schools, preferably in the rural area, were helped with books, uniform, woollen jersies, shoes etc. To select deserving cases, members of the sabha finalised a list of selected students with help from the head of the school head. Yearly expenses in this account came to about Rs 25,000 to 30,000 per annum. He stated that during an emergency, the sabha did not lag behind. At the time of the Kargil war, the sabha organised a blood donation camp, where Army officers were invited to collect blood to ensure that the blood really reached the jawans. In the event of floods, earthquake, etc. again the sabha is ever ready. Last year during the Rajasthan floods Rs 5100 was sent to the Chief Minister. The earthquake victims of Gujarat were also provided Rs 41,000 cash and now chlorine tablets to Orissa. Two latest projects of the sabha are treatment of TB patients. A batch of 10 patients had been treated here. Another batch of 15 is now under treatment. It takes about Rs 5000 for the treatment of a T.B. patient over a period of nine to 11 months. The government has also geared up to fight this disease and some medicines are being sent to hospitals. Mr Talwar said the best part of this organisation that its members do not get administrative expenses and have to spend from their pocket. |
Govt’s attitude
wastes one year
of students Rohtak, September 9 The student leader said an inspection team of the Medical Council of India (MCI) had visited the medical college and pointed out the lake of infrastructure and certain basic facilities. The team had directed the PGIMS administration to ensure adequate facilities and the appointment of the director on a regular basis to streamline the functioning of the institute. However, Mr Naresh Kumar alleged that the government adopted a casual attitude towards the recommendations resulting in the wasting of one academic year of the candidates who had cleared the entrance test. Besides, he alleged it had hampered the process of admission to the ayurvedic colleges in the state. The state secretariat of the SFI demanded restoration of the process of admission to the medical, ayurvedic and engineering colleges so as to safeguard the interests of the students. |
tops in plantation drive Yamunanagar, September 9 Mr Rajiv Sharma, Deputy Commissioner, said here today that so for 25 lakh trees had been planted out of which 13 lakh had been planted by the Forest Department. A tree plantation drive had begun at every village of the district, he said. Mr Sharma said under the Rajiv Gandhi Water Mission scheme, Yamunanagar and Karnal districts had been identified for the supply of pure drinking water. He said only 10 per cent of the amount to be spent on the water scheme would be borne by residents of villages and the rest would be provided by the government. The Deputy Commissioner said all arrangements including drinking water and lighting, had been made at mandis for the purchase of paddy. |
Sirsa colonies face water shortage Sirsa, September 9 According to information, the water to the water works on the Barnala road is supplied by the Nehrana division of the Irrigation Department. But for the past one month the water works has not received any water supply due to which colonies on the fringes of the city have been facing water shortage. When contacted officials of the Public Health Department confirmed that only 40 per cent of the total water was supplied to the water works. According to the Irrigation Department, the Sirsa major canal supplying water to the water works has not been desilted for a long time which has reduced its water capacity. It is believed that a few days back the district administration had to intervene to ensure the supply of water to the water works after which only 40 per cent of the requirement could be met. The officials concerned of the Nehrana division were not available for comments on the issue. |
laxity annoys Kataria Yamunanagar, September 9 In a press note issued here today he said that he had announced the distribution of funds about a year ago in the different blocks of his parliamentary constituency where work had not been started. He said laxity on the part of officials should not be termed as scandal by the political parties. |
IN FOCUS Kalka Most of its medical equipment remains out of order. Facilities in the hospital are few and problems too many. Cleanliness is at a low point. The operation theatre exists only in name. An ordinary hall is being used as operation theatre. Doctors have to perform operations in almost primitive conditions. The operation theatre remains hot in summer and cold in winter. There is the general complaint of shortage of medicines. Patients have to buy even ordinary medicines from the market. The hospital shares the vagaries of power supply with the rest of the town. Patients have wait endlessly even for X ray, ECG etc. The indoor patients feel miserable in summer during the hours of power-cut. Stray cattle roam in the hospital unhindered. The outer section of the hospital which is meant for the patients to have a walk, has virtually been turned into a parking place. Taxis, trucks and other vehicles remain parked in the hospital unchecked during the night. Some of these parked vehicles are also used as a convenient place for drinking. There is also a shortage of equipment in the mortuary for conducting post-mortem examinations. The boundary wall of the hospital is low. |
IN FOCUS Ambala Sector 7 which is the oldest among HUDA sectors, stands almost developed but Sectors 1, 8, 9 and 10 will still take a few years to grow fully and those living in these sectors are plagued by a number of problems. The roads in these sectors remain neglected. As one enters this area from the Grain Market end the road is full of potholes that look almost like craters. The main roads are marked by cracks and depressions which make a ride bumpy and risky. The internal roads become cesspools during the rainy season for want of a proper drainage system. The same is the situation in Sector 1. The sewerage system in Sectors 8 and 9 often remains choked. The sewers open into an open nullah which again is a health hazard. People living near the nullah have to bear with the foul smell emanating from it, says Mr Aswani Sodhi. Encroachments in the corridor of the shopping complex is another sore point. Some of the shopkeepers have occupied the entire verandah to display their wares, making movement of shoppers difficult. The water supply leaves much to be desired. The pressure is low and the timing odd. The residents have also to tolerate the menace of stray cattle and pigs. The green belts and parks are not maintained properly. Above all, the Estate Office is allowing adjoining houses to have different plinth levels which leads to quarrels and tensions. There has been no full time Estate Officer for the past two years. At present, the SDM is holding the additional charge of Estate Officer. |
AMBALA DIARY Ambala The road from Panchayat Bhavan to the cremation ground will be constructed by the Shivalik Development Board at a cost of Rs 3.77 lakh. The Chief Minister of Haryana, Mr Om Prakash Chautala, made this announcement when he visited the Ahuja residence in the Urban Estate, to offer his condolences to the martyr’s family. This announcement is not only a tribute to Major Ahuja. It will also ensure construction of the road which so far has been a kucha track. ***** The Lions Club, Ambala Central, has adopted the government primary school, Subzi Mandi, and distributed uniforms to 31 students besides donating a fan for a classroom. Announcing this, the president of the club, Mr Rajesh Batra, said that in future the club would undertake social activities such as holding eye operations camps for the poor, organising marriages of poor girls and holding blood donation camps. ***** A number of events were held in a cluster level competition of six Kendriya Vidyalayas at KV No. 1, Ambala Cantonment. Teams from Karnal, Dappar and Ambala Cantonment participated in the event. KV No.1, Ambala Cantonment, dominated in three of the five events. The group song team of KV No 1, stood first for their patriotic song. Sujitha Stalin spoke on the impact of Indian culture on modern living and her speech was appreciated. An event which was optional till last year but was made compulsory this year, was the non-film music competition among music teachers. Mrs Asha Kumari of KV No. 1 who sang a Mira Bai bhajan, stood first. KV No.2 stood first in the group folk dance competition.
***** Punjab National Bank, the lead bank of the district, has installed a display system at the Ambala Cantonment railway station. The system, which was inaugurated by the General Manager of PNB, Mr U.S. Bhargava, shows the time, temperature and messages regarding various schemes of the bank. The bank also held Van Mahotsava at DAV Public Senior Secondary School, Ambala City. The bank will spend Rs 1 lakh on tree guards at various places in Ambala. It also organised an inter-school painting competition in which 100 students from different schools of Ambala City participated. |
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