Ludhiana, February 7
The District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum has directed United India Insurance Company, to pay Rs 1,837 on account of balance amount of a claim settled, along with interest at the rate of nine per cent per annum from March 6, 2001, till the date of payment. The forum had also directed the company to pay Rs 500 as the cost of litigation to the consumer.
According to the complaint, the consumer got his Maruti car (PB-10-AJ-9392) insured with the company. The consumer stated before the forum that the vehicle met with an accident on December 6, 2000, and he informed the company about it on December 7, 2000. After that, he got his car repaired form M/s KS Automobiles.
The consumer said the company had appointed a surveyor for assessing loss, who visited the workshop and verified the facts. A bill of Rs 30,141 was submitted, but he was paid only Rs 23,300 on March 6, 2001. He wanted to know from company officials why less payment was made to him, but he got no satisfactory answer. He even wrote a letter to the company, on March 17, 2001, in this regard.
The consumer stated that the surveyor had assessed the loss at Rs 26,835 and the respondent made the payment of Rs 23,300 only. It was alleged the loss had not been assessed properly and about Rs 7,000 was deducted illegally from the total claim. It was alleged there was deficiency in services on the part of the company. He demanded the company should be directed to pay the balance amount and Rs 5,000 on account of compensation along with interest at the rate of 18 per cent per annum.
The company pleaded, it had appointed Mr G.P.S. Miglani as surveyor to assess the loss after the accident, who had submitted his report on January 5, 2001. The respondent said that after the receipt of the report, Mr Varun Chandok was appointed for reinspection of the car and to submit the bill verification report after repairs.
The company maintained that after following proper procedure and scrutinising the submitted reports, the company officials finally settled the claim for Rs 23,300.