National I-cardWe need to have a national electronic identity card with a number. The Union Ministry of Human Resource Development should issue this. The relevant data of the cardholder like his/her photograph, name, parents’ names, date and place of birth, body marks, educational qualifications, bank account number and a national number be printed on this card. All the data should be put on a computer linked all over India. This number should be written on the driving licence, ration card, voter card, passport, service or employment card and club cards. This should also be used on heavy monetary transactions. The holder need not carry the card always. Showing the finger or thumb before a monitor of the said computer should immediately give the full data along with the photograph on the screen, confirming the Indian’s identify. Any outsider will be detected on the spot. This will be the best safety for of all us. RAJINDER SINGH, Jalandhar City
Morality in politicsIn his article, “Moral realism on politics: Corruption is a major challenge”, Vice President of India Hamid Ansari has aptly said that “the imperative of ethics in public life is eventually a matter of conscience”.As a logical corollary to this, let me add that we should educate people on morality. Conscience is a product of interaction between an individual and various societal forces. There is no dearth of people who claim to be guided by conscience even when acting normally. There is another aspect to morality which seems typically Indian. It is somehow presumed that if we don’t hide our misdeeds, our unethnicity is greatly neutralised. The value of truthfulness is thus severely compromised as many people have reduced it to that of a balm for bruised conscience. AKHILESH,
Birampur (Hoshiapur)
Stake in airportI read the news item “Haryana forces stakes in Mohali airport” (Jan 5). Apparently, the Haryana Chief Minister has prevailed upon Union Minister for Civil Aviation Praful Patel regarding his state’s stake in the airport. This is welcome because it would help the people of Haryana. The joint venture claiming stake of 24. 5 per cent each by both Punjab and Haryana shall reduce the burden on the Punjab exchequer in the development of the Chandigarh International Airport. Besides it will promote international trade, tourism, create job opportunities for the unemployed youth and help resolve inter-state disputes. Dr GULSHAN BIR KAUR, Patiala
Case for TV regulator
Television has taken its place firmly in every home. The number of channels has also increased so much that some programmes go on round the clock. Ads, not suited for viewing by children and adolescents, eat up more than half the time of any programme. There is no consideration of the likely effect of such ads on the children’s physical and mental health.
Children’s mind is very sensitive and impressionable. They are getting crazy for fast food and junk food. These ads and serials directly or indirectly promote crime, especially crime against women. Children are getting obese. Incidents of violence in schools are also becoming quite frequent. Obesity and obscenity are the twin problems, the aftereffects of which can be dreadful. Britain has banned all ads of unhealthy food products and drinks on the TV which are high in fat, salt and sugar. China has stopped all ads on the TV which are sexually provocative. It has also proscribed serials involving crime. Even ads for sale of ladies’ undergarments have been banned. Despite revenue loss, national interest is foremost with them. The Government of India too should appoint a TV regulator to screen the stuff shown on the TV. V. S. CHAUDHRI, IAS (retd), Karnal
