A L B R I E F S |
Action against Manpreet justified: Public Relations Minister Sewa Singh
Sekhwan, here on Thursday, justified disciplinary action against former Finance Minister Manpreet Singh
Badal. Sekhwan said Manpreet had acted against the party discipline while discussing the loan waiver scheme in public.
Rs 2.22 lakh looted: Three motorcycle-borne youths snatched Rs 2.22 lakh from Honey, son of Mehnga Ram of local Ajit
Nagar, near Government College Chowk, here today. According to sources, Honey, an employee of a departmental store, Phagwara Road, was going to deposit cash of the firm in a bank. When he reached near Government College
Chowk, three youths on a motorcycle snatching Rs 2.22 lakh at sharp-edged weapon point and fled. The police is investigating the case. — OC
Arundhati in city today: Booker price winner Arundhati Roy will address a state-level convention of Operation Green Hunt Virodhi Jamhoori Front, Punjab, at Desh Bhagat Yaadgar Hall here tomorrow. Nawanshahr
2 nabbed with pistol: The CIA staff has nabbed two miscreants, identified as Mandeep Kumar, alias Gagan, of Rakkeran Dhahan village and Mandeep Singh, alias Deepa, of Garley Bet village and seized a .12-bore country-made pistol and two cartridges from them. The police had put up a naka near the level crossing on Banga Road on Friday night. When the police signalled a motorcycle, coming from the Gujjarpur link road, to stop, the youths riding it took a reverse turn and tried to flee but the police nabbed them. A case under the Arms Act has been registered against them.
Two women looted at pistol point:Two unidentified armed motorcyclists snatched two ear-rings, two rings and a mangal sutra at pistol points from two women, Hardip Kaur and her mother Jaswinder Kaur at
Barrapind, near Goraya, on Thursday night. Later the armed robbers also snatched one mobile phone and Rs 10,000 from Akali jathedar Chuharr Singh who came to save the women. OPD timings changed in hospitals: The Punjab Government today changed the timings of the out patients department of all the civil hospitals and dispensaries in the state. Confirming this Senior Medical Officer Dr Rajiv Gupta told mediapersons here that now the OPD would work from 9 am to 3 pm.
