Economics of success
Practical training pays in job market
Dare to believe and win
BBA Entrance
Office Mantra
Happiness @ work
Economics of success
Economics has always been the guiding force of society not only in its formation but also in its development through different phases. Writings of the earliest thinkers whether it was Aristotle's Politcs or Chanakya's Arthashastra, allude that there was a class of elite scholars who devoted their lives to understanding the functioning of economy and how it could be improved with conscious efforts. Even at the mundane level a farmer selling his crops or the household leader allocating his income under various heads, everyone unwittingly lays down and makes use of the laws of economics. However, it was not until Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations that economics was recognised as a separate discipline that could be practiced or preached by the general public. Since then innumerable authors have attempted to improve as well as expand the scope of this discipline. SCOPE Earlier, students of economics were either destined to be a part of the public administration or joined the teaching profession. However, with the enlargement of the scope and significance of the private sector as well as globalisation, fresh opportunities have cropped up for the students of economics. Basic knowledge of economics, if not specialised one, has become a pre-requisite for entering any sector related to finance and economy. OPPORTUNITIES Various opportunities are available for economics graduates and post-graduates. The public sector as always opens its arms for economists to join administration in the form of IAS and IES or in various other organisations. Research lovers can pursue research at various governmental as well as non-governmental think-tanks based on their aptitude and research agenda. Growth in the size and sophistication of the private sector, in particular the financial sector, has offered new career paths for the budding economists. The banking sector now has complex sub-branches consisting of investment banking, retail banking, commercial banking and so on, which require the expertise of analysts at various levels for their functioning. Recently, there has been an exponential growth in the number of consultancies that require students with economics background as research analysts. GLOBAL ALLURE On a worldwide front we see that as a result of globalisation the global village offers similar job profiles to the students of economics, with minor variations depending on the location. With such harmonisation increasing number of students are now to applying abroad for a job and internships right after completing their graduation to take advantage of a global exposure. Although Indian students are slightly disadvantaged because of outdated curriculum at various universities, it is a good idea to keep oneself well informed about advanced curriculum from better universities available within India. Realising the role of economics in almost every social field, there has been an increasing trend towards gathering the basic knowledge of economics at the undergraduate level and combining it with further specialised knowledge of other fields. A bachelor's degree in economics is combined with LLB to make successful corporate lawyers. Undergraduate degree in economics is followed by an MBA to make top level managers for various corporate organisations. Similarly, specialised courses in finance are undertaken with economics as their base by those aiming to become traders or work with a variety of funds at the stock markets. On these lines, there has been a significant development, especially in premier institutions abroad, of combining the knowledge of various disciplines even at the undergraduate level with economics as its base to provide a holistic and comprehensive knowledge to the students. There is BSc in economics and management for the future CEOs. BSc in economics and finance for those aiming at the financial markets and the banking sector and so on. Although, such developments are yet to reach the curriculum of the public universities of India, they are now available closer home. To meet the growing demand for quality education, leading global educational institutions are setting up their centers in India. With such developments, a further step is being taken towards globalisation, which gives the budding Indian economists, an advantage of a globally updated curriculum and knowledge and puts them at par with their counterparts worldwide. The writer is teaching at Indian School of Business & Finance, an Affiliate Centre of the University of London, LSE.
Career Hotline
Q. I am a national level badminton player from Jalandhar. Will students who wish to apply under the sports quota in Delhi University follow the schedule for general category students?
Sampuran The unique thing about the admission process this year is the absence of pre-admission registration of any kind, barring courses whose admission is based on entrance tests and interviews. Moreover, unlike in the past, DU will announce five cut-off lists this year, starting with the first on June 15 followed by June 21, June 27, July 2 and July 8, respectively.
Admission procedure for NRIs
Q. We are NRIs based in Lagos. Could you please tell us if there is any minimum requirement for applying for study in prestigious engineering colleges in India like the NITs etc. What is the procedure for applying? Our son has completed his school this year.
— Neera Malhan l Create a registered account on the DASA portal: www.dasanit.org and sign in with the new User ID and Password. l Once logged in, s/he must fill in and submit the Online Application Form. Do make sure you've read the brochure carefully. l Send the downloaded signed application form after pasting his latest passport size photograph and the specified documents to the DASA office. Along with other eligibility conditions, a minimum SAT Score of 1800 (in Physics+Chemistry+Maths II) will qualify the application for being considered for preparing the merit list. In case of multiple attempts at the SAT, the best scores of the individual subjects will be factored in. Your son should have passed his qualifying Senior Secondary (10+2) or equivalent exam which is recognised by the Association of Indian Universities with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects and any one of the following as optional subjects (Chemistry, Bio-technology, Computer Science, Biology) with a minimum of 60% aggregate.
Sane choice
Q. While choosing a career should one go by interest alone?
— Riya Singh A. Nothing should be done in exclusion of everything else, but yes it sure makes a lot of sense to factor in your interests because they can help you zero in on a rewarding career. There's no doubting the fact that if you choose a job you love, you'll never have to work a day in your life! However, you must also consider other factors when exploring educational and career options. Think about how your interests, abilities, experiences, personality, and values will influence your satisfaction and success at work. These factors are also important in career exploration - just as important as your interests. For example, certain fields like medicine or research require a lot more study and work than others. If you find that hard work and study don't appeal to you, take this into account when making your career choice.
Don’t lose heart
Q. I have done reasonably well in my Class XII exams barring one subject in which I have fared very poorly. I really messed up the paper and fear that I will fail in this one subject. I am totally devastated. I can't eat or sleep. Is there any procedure to save my year? Please counsel me. I had always dreamt of studying in a good university like Delhi University.
Meghna A. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and also, stop blaming yourself… these things happen. Remember, no situation is ever a dead-end or irredeemable, unless you accept it in your mind. Any student who fails to clear the CBSE Board Exams (Secondary/Senior School Certificate) has three chances, to clear the compartment exam. What's more, the CBSE Board issues a consolidated marks sheet, which does not show whether the marks have been acquired through the main or the compartment exam. Earlier, the compartment was indicated on the initial marks sheet, while a separate marks sheet was issued for the compartment subject/s, which often proved to be a stigma creating problems of acceptability in many places. So even if you have fared somewhat poorly, don't lose heart for all is not lost. Moreover, many universities like DU make a provision for candidates with compartment in one subject only. You can, for instance, get a provisional admission in DU's constituent colleges, School of Open Learning, Non-formal Education Cell as well as in the Non-Collegiate Women's Education Board, provided you have obtained the aggregate by adding the minimum pass marks of the subject in which you have been placed under compartment to the marks obtained in the remaining three subjects. Students who get a compartment in one/two subjects who are not eligible for provisional admission to a regular college or the Non-Collegiate Women's Education Board) may, after clearing their compartmental exam and securing at least 40 per cent marks, be admitted to a college before the prescribed last date, subject to availability of seats (except for BSc courses). You are also eligible for provisional admission in other universities. Do check their websites for details. This is of course subject to the condition that you pass the compartment exam by December. So now you see how all is not lost!
Lecturer in home science
Q. What is the requirement to become lecturer of home science? Is it both PhD and NET? From where I get do this and when?
— Medhavi
Dixit A. The minimum requirement for being appointed as a lecturer in home science is a good academic record as specified by the university concerned with at least 55 per cent marks at the Master's degree level in home science from a recognised university. SC/ST candidates should have secured at least 50 per cent marks. In addition, you should have cleared the National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by the UGC or a similar test accredited by the UGC like
SLET/SET. Please note: there's is no provision of rounding up of marks to make it 55 per cent (or 50 per cent for SC/ST). For instance, even if someone has secured 54.99 per cent marks, s/he would NOT be eligible for taking this test. The syllabus for all the 93-odd subjects of the exam along with model questions is available in the libraries of all Indian universities as well as on: www.ugc.ac.in
Getting into merchant navy
Q. I am a final-year student of diploma in electrical engineering. Could you please tell me if I can get into the merchant navy by doing some additional course.
— Rohan Mehta In addition, you should have scored at least 50 per cent in English language at Class X or XII or diploma exam. This degree will equip you to enter the merchant navy as an Engine Officer. For the complete list of 26-odd colleges offering Marine Engineering courses approved by the Directorate General of Shipping, log onto their website: www.dgshipping.com Alternatively, you can also do a two-year Marine Engineering course if you have a diploma in Mechanical/Marine/ Naval Architecture/ Electrical/ Electrical & Electronics Engg with 50 per cent in the final year and at least 50 per cent in English at Class X, XII/ Diploma exam. This course is offered at seven colleges in Tamil Nadu and one in Goa all of which are listed on the DGCA website.
Practical training pays in job market
The recruitment industry is a $1.25-billion industry in India today, with a growth rate of 250 per cent per annum, but there is a dearth of recruitment specialists and professionals.
When MBA became a thing of the masses rather than that of only the handful passing out from the IIMs and the INSEADs, most students thought that the floodgates of opportunities would open for them. However, what very few anticipated was that the mushrooming of MBA institutes like roadside dhabas would mean the same dish being served but just “undercooked”. Over the years the need to increase the employability skills of aspirants has assumed great importance. Shikha Khullar, an expert in the field of HR and placements and chief trainer of The Skill Masters, dwells on India’s first ever recruitment certification course conceptualised by her in an interview: How did you hit upon the idea of starting this course? There is need to enhance the skills of an individual to match the needs and requirements of the industry. I feel that a school that provides skills to students at a fraction of the cost of acquiring an MBA degree and the time spent in it will help students find a path to a fulfilling career. The fact that to hire one good recruiter, one had to meet at least 80 to 100 people got me thinking. The individuals who walked in did not even know the meaning of HR and had no clue why they picked HR as a specialisation or profession What is the aim of the course started by you? We are launching the first ever recruitment certification course to make an individual a talent acquisition professional. The mission is to bring together the recruitment industry and the corporate HR. Skills are as necessary as education. But MBA schools also produce such skilled professionals, why should anyone join your course? True. However, I believe that though there are hundreds of MBA colleges from where thousands of students pass out each year, there is hardly any industry-ready workforce coming out of these colleges. An MBA, even from an average college or university, costs between Rs 3.5 lakh and Rs 10 lakh. Not everyone is rich enough to afford this fee and a lot of students end up taking education loans which are readily available these days. Most of the students take the loans in the hope of returning those within a year of getting a job but it never happens ad getting a “dream” salary is not easy. How do you intend to be different from these colleges? By not doing what these colleges do! An MBA school today is apparently not concerned with what a student learns but with what the school earns. Most of these are only interested in getting the maximum number of students and paying the minimum to the faculty. To save costs, they actually get fresh passouts, who could not get a job anywhere, to teach the new batch. Educationists and teachers of the past were people who left great opportunities for their passion of teaching. Best faculty and more practical training will be the main focus of our programme.
Life’s lessons
The potent power of human faith and belief best becomes crystal clear from Morris Goodman's example, whose spinal cord was crushed in a plane crash. He could neither breathe nor eat or take water, only his eyes could blink. How he imagined, thought, felt thrilled, and ultimately faced the toughest challenge, and achieved greatness. That's certainly the greatest lesson for mankind. When Einstein's laboratory was set ablaze, instead of lamenting he called for his wife to witness the wonderful sight which she would never ever see in life. These great men focused not upon loss or fear but on their faith to achieve and win.
German philosopher Nietzsche said: "A man can bear "any what" if he has a big enough "why". One can achieve any great goal when the goal is big, exciting, uplifting and inspiring. It is the intensity of the purpose which makes one irresistible. When the intense desire to achieve and win is there, nothing can stop you then. This is the quality which all achievers have in abundance. The example of the Greek philosopher, Socrates, too, teaches a great lesson to movers and shakers. A disciple once approached him with the request to teach him how to gain true wisdom. The wise philosopher advised him to get an intense desire to get true wisdom. The disciple then asked him how he could get that intense desire to achieve his goal. The philosopher had the presence of mind, took him to the nearby lake, grabbed the disciple and pushed him under water. At first the disciple thought the philosopher was just playing a prank but when he struggled for life and breath it at once dawned upon him what an intense desire meant. When you immerse your conscious mind constantly with your desire your subconscious mind starts supplying ways and means collecting the same from the super conscious mind, the reservoir of the ultimate wisdom. As a motivational speaker I just start my talk with certain uplifting and elevating ideas. As I intensely desire to benefit my audiences, soon my subconscious mind starts supplying to my conscious mind more and more interesting, uplifting and inspiring ideas to benefit my audiences in the best possible manner. And when I finish I myself wonder how enormous inspiring ideas flew through me as if I am an instrument of God Himself. It is all the faith, belief and the expectancy which I keep that gets the things done for me. Emotions play a great role in goal achievement. What you decide, think, and do may not bear fruit unless and until you back your faith with intense feelings of faith and expectancy. The best selling Chinese author Dr Zhi Gang Sha states that when you intensely desire with expectancy you make the spiritual world to help, support and guide you with profound wisdom to achieve your coveted goal. That is the power of the mind over matter. Total commitment to do a job comes only after we have an intense desire to achieve. That's what we call the heart-felt-determination. Determination becomes not only powerful but engrossing as well when it is heart-felt. It makes one not only to jump start but also keeps the worker absorbed in doing the work or job in hand. All fears and hurdles get out of the way of the determined achiever. All work and no play makes one a jack of all trades but master of none. Hence the value of doing a work with relaxing yoga in between often coupled with meditation every morning and evening so as to keep the worker attuned to success. This is a wonderful antidote to day-to-day work stress. And when you dare to believe and win only sky is the limit. Who knows what you can achieve and win thus giving to the world the best of you!
There is an overlap between the subjects taught in BBA and MBA. In MBA one learns the concepts at higher level, while the same concept may be a part of one module in BBA along with other concepts. A BBA degree combined with an MBA from a premier institute not only offers highly paid jobs but also equips one with entrepreneurial skills. BBA gives a professional and practical approach, to the curriculum by including summer internship, projects/case studies, and managerial subjects like marketing, human resource, organisational behaviour etc. Unlike B.Com, BA, B.Sc curriculum, BBA offers an opportunity to learn the applications and market trends besides giving the students a practical and professional approach. BBA weighs better against other traditional degrees as its acceptance with corporate provide a headstart to graduates. With entrance exams of premier institutes slated for next week, the students must be extra cautious in their approach to the last minute preparation. The BBA entrances are objective type in nature which evaluate students in the understanding of English language, quantitative ability, reasoning ability and general awareness. There is negative marking also. Some exams like CET of Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi, do not have direct questions from quantitative techniques; instead it focuses on management and communication skills. Some Useful Tips l Revise the basic concepts of fundamental mathematics l Revise the grammar fundamentals. l Develop good vocabulary through continuous reading l Read newspapers and monthly current affairs magazines l Practice as many questions as you can. Post written test, most institutes conduct group discussion and interviews before the final selection is done. One must prepare for this simultaneously along with the written test. Read newspapers and current affairs magazines regularly and stay updated on latest issues. Group discussion tests not only the communication aspect but also the understanding of issues, how convincingly one can discuss and put forth his viewpoints. One must be assertive during the course of the discussion but being rigid should be avoided. Personal Interviews gives an opportunity to present and express yourself. One must take care of the etiquettes, must listen to the interviewer and answer accordingly. One must be ready to face questions on strengths and weaknesses, academic and family background and also on one's interests. Last but not the least, these exams are easy to crack if one has done regular practice. So, spend more time practicing questions from the four areas. Good luck ! The writer is Manager, School Test Prep, Career Launcher
India is experiencing huge footfalls as the preferred vacation destination of foreigners and the hospitality industry is gung-ho about improving itself. The hospitality sector includes all businesses that provide food, beverages, and/or accommodation services. "Although the growth of the sector is reflected in the increased amount of opportunities for the graduates, but the sector currently faces shortage of skilled staff", observes Anil Sharma of Tethy's Resorts. The various jobs which one can look out for in hospitality sector are: General Manager or Area Director: He is the overall in charge of the property. Usually he is a seasoned campaigner in the service industry and most of the brands while launching their new properties prefer to have someone who has shown organic growth in the organisation and is very well trained in the system. It is a very senior position and mostly the pass-outs of premier institutes hold this rank. Head of Departments - Executive Chef: He is the one who is overall in charge of the menu. He is supported by the team of various chefs each having its own specialty. Like The Salad Chef, The Bakery Chef, The Thai Chef, The South Indian Chef and so on. Usually the salary is dependent on the years of experience but could range between Rs 90,000 to 1.50 lakh per month. Head of Department - Food and Beverage: The overall responsibility of maintenance and the service of various restaurants and bar is with them. Usually their role is phenomenal from billing queries to customer satisfaction to servicing the guests. They control everything where food and drinks are served. "Usually they are from the system only since they understand the core competency of the group and the brand image", tells Anil Malhotra, GM of Taj, Chandigarh. With all the perquisites included the salary package hovers around Rs 1.25 lakh a month. Banquet managers: Their main task is revenue generation. They are responsible for the clients who want to organise events on the premises. Outdoor catering is also a part of their job routine. Usually most of the premier brands like ITC, Taj, Leela, Oberoi groups have their own crafts and hotel management institutes and the 'Banquet Managers' are pass-outs of these institutes only. Remuneration is dependent on experience and is somewhere around Rs 75,000 per month in top brands. Front office managers: They are the face of an organisation. From queries which are generated to escorting the guests to their rooms as well a part of housekeeping are in their job portfolio. Most of them are MBAs with a flair for communication and a good pleasant personality. At times simple graduates with pleasing personalities are also taken up. Training faculty: "Each brand has its own USP. The brand image of different brands is different and a person who has got an exposure to these characteristics would be able train new resources in the culture. So training managers are always from the system", informs Anil Malhotra. They impart knowledge about the company as well as train the person about the present job profile for which he has been hired. Salary varies from around Rs 60,000 to 70,000 per month. Sales, HR, Finance: These are specialist job functions which are required for the smooth conduct of any organisation. Mostly MBAs are hired and are put into various functions as per their core competence. Salary varies with skill set and experience. Skilled workforce and specialists: These are skilled people with certain attributes endemic to them only. Like someone has a proficiency in baking cakes, so regardless of his education he would be taken up. Similarly, if someone is adept in preparing pastas, so he would be taken up on the basis of his skill set. Even graduation is not mandatory for these profiles. Tour operators and travel guides: This job profile is there only in the hospitality industry. The knowledge of an area - geography and places of tourist interest - is the prime consideration for anyone wanting to get enrolled as a tour operator. Every hotel or resort has both inbound and outbound tour operators and remuneration is all commission based. There is no fixed component in the job.
Office Mantra
Office politics is the manipulation of work environment by building allies, spreading rumours, gossiping and backbiting. Employees indulging in office politics pay less attention to their work and more to tarnishing their colleague's reputation. In fact, office politics has been said to influence transfers, promotions and even firing. As a result it creates an environment of negativity and stress in addition to spoiling relationships amongst individuals. Although undesirable it is almost impossible to escape the politics at workplace. Here are a few strategies to steer clear of the political games that come into play:
Act professionally Maintain a professional attitude at all times. When an individual is viewed as a professional co-workers refrain from involving him in office politics. Also try to keep personal feelings separate from professional relationships. Irrespective of what one actually thinks about a colleague or boss avoid telling them the same. Most importantly do not extend special favours and treat everyone equally.
Be careful about taking sides Usually there are more than one power centres in an organisation and there is a possibility of getting stuck in between them. Invariably there will be situations where two powerful individuals will be at loggerheads with each other over an issue. In such a case instead of taking sides with either of them, focus on the business objectives. Make an attempt to bring them on a common platform and encourage communication to resolve the concern. As far as possible attempt not get in the way of any group since someone who is powerful today might not be so in the future. Furthermore by not taking sides you can gain the confidence of both the parties and at the same time remain neutral.
Stay away from gossip Gossip can be very damaging and nothing good comes from it. By exchanging gossip one automatically becomes a part of the office politics. Gossip not only has a tendency to get malicious but can also reach the person concerned. Moreover, employees who indulge in gossip lose the trust and respect of their co-workers. Avoid taking part in gossip sessions by either leaving the room or subtly changing the topic. Even if some piece of information seems harmless, don't count on it or pass it along.
Keep personal life out Reveal as little about personal life as possible. Small talk if necessary but avoid giving away personal information at any cost. Keep personal details such as social events and relationships out of work conversations. Talking about private life gives fodder to the rumour mill and unnecessarily encourages mud slinging.
Be aware Although an easy solution, isolation is never a good idea in the office environment. Be aware of what is happening around since ignoring politics doesn't mean it is not taking place. However, it does not imply doing the same thing as everyone else but simply being aware of the dynamics of the office. Religiously follow the official code of conduct and don't break them either at the instigation of others or for personal benefits. Understand how 'politicised' the organisation is and then devise strategies and plan role accordingly.
Network with the right people Develop a network of supporters by making yourself valuable especially to those with power and knowledge. It is always good to know people who are in powerful positions, at different points in time. Go out of the way to offer assistance to them so that in future they can be relied upon to return the favour. Building a network of acquaintances is also an effective mode to expand one's visibility and resources. Moreover, it is not only a great way to start a professional relationship but also establish reputation around the office as a team player.
Happiness @ work
In his zeal to prove he was a devout Muslim, Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb went overboard and antagonised followers of other religions. In contrast, his great grandfather Akbar followed a liberal approach — he married Rajput princesses, played Holi, met scholars of other religions — and this led to a more peaceful empire. While Sadhu Vaswani, founder of the Mira Movement, was returning from a successful Europe tour in which he had talked about India’s spiritual riches, he realised that his vanity was raising its hood. To keep it in check, he threw his file of newspaper cuttings that contained reports about his well-received lectures into the sea. Brahma created Kama, the god of love, to enrich the universe. But when Kama shot his arrow at Brahma to test the powers the Creator had bestowed him with, thoughts and actions against propriety took place. Angered at this, Shiva appeared and chided Brahma. When Shiva left, Brahma cursed Kama that he would be reduced to ashes by Shiva and that Shiva would also find himself in the same predicament as Brahma. Later, these two things happened when Kama fired his love darts at Shiva in the presence of Parvati. To father a son and also have a connection with Buddha’s clan, King Prasenjita of Koshal decided to marry a Shakya princess. But the Shakyas, taking racial differences into consideration, sent Vasabhakshatriya, daughter of Shakya leader Mahanama through a slave woman. When the secret came out 16 years later, only the Buddha’s intervention prevented a violent showdown. To avenge his insult, Drona got King Drupad defeated by the Pandavas. Seeking to end the bitter episode, Drona returned half of Drupad’s kingdom. But Drupad performed a yagna for a son who would kill the guru of the Pandavas. Dhristdyumna and Draupadi were born as a result. To be free to enjoy life, young Akbar gave the reins of the empire to General Bairam Khan. But power went into Bairam’s head and Akbar had to send him for haj to clip his wings. A solution should solve, not complicate. — Sai R. Vaidyanathan The writer can be contacted at svaidyanathan@tribunemail.com
2. Which Rajinikanth-starrer, believed to be the most expensive film made in India till date, won the Best Special Effects honour at the 58th National Film Awards recently? 3. What was the name given by the USA to the operation to kill Osama bin Laden in his hideout in Pakistan? 4. Which space shuttle of NASA lifted off for its last flight from Florida’s Kennedy Space Centre recently? 5. In which year did Ireland sign a self-rule treaty with the United Kingdom? 6. Which insecticide/agrochemical having acute toxicity and potential for threat to human health and environment was recently banned by the Supreme Court? 7. Which is Asia’s largest fresh water lake? 8. Where is Swat Valley situated? 9. Name the author of the masterpiece ‘Around the World in 80 Days’. 10. How many teams are participating in the IPL cricket tournament? Tarun Sharma Winners of quiz 387: The first prize by draw of lots goes to Charvi, class VIII-B, KV No 1, Bhatinda Military Station, Punjab, Pin Code - 151004 Second: Nivedita, class VIII-B, St Joseph’s Convent School, Ram Colony Camp, Hoshiarpur, Pin Code – 146001 Third: Sachin, class VIII, High School Kholi, VPO Kholi, district Kangra (HP), Pin Code – 176056 Answers to quiz 387: KV Kamath; Abbottabad (Pakistan); 150th; Kalka-Shimla; 1986; Lobsang Sangay; Manchester United; Ipoh (Malaysia); Duncan Fletcher; Chris Gayle Cash awards of Rs 400, 300 and 200 are given to the first, second and third prize winners, respectively. These are sent at the school address. Note: Kindly mention the pincode of your place on the letter/postcard to facilitate the delivery of the prize money. Answers can also be sent at
quiz@tribunemail.com |