Sunday, May 4, 2014, Chandigarh, India | |||
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Well settled suitable professional match Doctor/Engg for MD Medicine, +35/5'-5", beautiful, slim, fair, Sikh Khatri Doctor girl. Joined recently Medical Specialists, regular Govt. job. Family of professionals. Email: sahnizorawarsingh@gmail.com ; 73556-27037. C4-12837 Suitable match for beautiful, fair Lobana Sikh girl, 25/5'-2", MA English, B.Ed. teaching in public school. Two brothers married, permanent settled in Australia. Father retired Defence personal. Mobile: 09876267481. C4-11210 US/Canada born or brought up, accomplished, cultured and sober Sikh match, holding higher professional qualifications in the healthcare field preferably a pediatric, psychiatry or other physician and willing to move to California, required for our M.A., Ph.D. (Clinical Psychology), US Board Certified, very beautiful daughter, practicing in the San Francisco area. Born in Canada 09/75, 5'-3" and belongs to a US/Canada based highly educated and well connected Punjabi Sikh (Ahluwalia) family. pacemedicalpool@gmail.com C4-12043 Professional match keen to succeed in Canada or USA for a working Lawyer 28/5'-6", and raised in Canada. Well versed in both cultures. Highly educated small family, settled in Canada and USA. Email: girlcanada1985@gmail.com A4-8228-OL Seeking suitable match from Jatt Sikh family. The girl is Jatt Sikh, '86 born, professionally qualified from Canadian University, well-employed in Vancouver, slim, good looking, and a Canadian citizen. Height 5'-2". Well-educated family. Reply with full particulars and photos to: jal.alliance@hotmail.com C4-11120 Toronto based (Defence background) Jatt Sikh family looking for a match for our fair and very beautiful daughter. She is 32 years old, 5'-9" tall, holds a M.Ed. Degree and is currently employed as a teacher with the local school board. We are looking for a tall, handsome, professional, clean-shaven boy, aged 32-36, 6 + feet tall, from a cultured family, already residing in Toronto, Canada. Caste no bar. Kindly respond with picture and details at matrimony555@hotmail.com C4-11126 Suitable match for beautiful, slim, Lubana girl, 24/5'- 5", B.Pharma. NRI welcome. Father Govt. Gazzetted Officer. Brother NRI. kamal_ruby@yahoo.com C4-11242B Seeking a highly educated Jat Sikh match for our 1989 born, Convent educated beautiful, slim, 5'-8" tall, very fair complexioned daughter. Currently completing Masters in Electrical Engineering from New York, USA on student F-1 Visa. Father is Chief Engineer. Mother is a homemaker. Well educated/status family. Elder sister settled in USA after completing M.S. Degree and is married to a Doctor in USA. Younger brother working in a US based MNC and working towards getting his MBA from an International Business School. If interested please e-mail a detailed profile at: matrimonysingh12@gmail.com C4-11244 Seeking well educated, settled match for Jat Sikh, beautiful, 28, 5'-5" girl. M.A in English, PGD in Psychology counselling. Elder siblings settled abroad. Send bio data and pics to matchjatsikh@gmail.com C4-11328 Suitable Jat Sikh match for Canadian Citizen conevnt educated, B.Sc. Computer Science girl, 80 born, ht. 5'- 6½", Regular Developer in a Software Company Toronto, Canada. binderdhindsa@gmail.com 98886-09613. C4-11532 Seeking above 5'-11" tall, clean-shaven, Jat-Sikh, urban match from respected, well-educated family for 5'-8"/86 born Jat-Sikh, MBA, fair, slim, urban girl hailing from Defence Background. Working with reputed org. Marriage Bureaus excuse. Kindly contact with kundali details. 98888-85724, jattmatri986@gmail.com C4-11631 Jatt Sikh family looking for professionally qualified, tall match for their daughter Sept 83 born, 5'-8" tall, B.Tech (CS) & MBA both from premium institutes, currently working in reputed MNC at senior position. Respond with biodata and recent photo. Email: vsinghk5@gmail.com C4-11635 Renowned Sardar/Jat Sikh family invites alliance for their 1988/5'-6" daughter. Convent educated, MBA Healthcare. Boy from high status Officers Sardar/Jat Sikh, Landlord family from Malwa preferred. 96465- 80085. shergillkhaira@gmail.com C4-11775 Well placed, Ludhiana based Jat Sikh nuclear family seeks suitable match for young looking, beautiful, intelligent, hard working, compassionate, sincere Biotechnologist girl, July 83 born, 5'-5", M.Sc.; Ph.D, working Govt. University. Legally divorced after brief marriage. jattsikhmatri99@gmail.com 98142-84897. C4-12497 Suitable match for Jat Sikh girl Feb. 1986, 5'-4". M.Sc (Chemistry), pursuing Ph.D regular. Father bank manager (Retired), mother Govt. school lecturer, having rural/urban property. Respond with biodata & latest photograph. Email: meet1984.gk@gmail.com Mobile: 9855590573, 9914009700. C4-12533 Beautiful Canadian PR 5'-5" 1985 born Jatt Sikh P.G. in Project Management (Canada) B.Tech. (India), Interested nice Jatt Sikh families please contact with boy's professional qualifications, biodata and recent pics at dhillonmatrimonial@gmail.com C4-12615B Respectable status Industrial Jatt Sikh family seeks alliance for their smart very beautiful, slim, family oriented, 5'-5" tall, Dec. 86 born daughter, convent educated, M.A., M.Ed.. We are looking for a well educated and settled boy from a well established family. Respond with biodata & photographs. Email: gsk44539@gmail.com C4-12829 Match for Jat Sikh beautiful girl June 83/5'-5", MCA Regular Computer Teacher in Govt. School. Well settled family in Mohali. Chandigarh, Mohali, Tricity preferred. Email: hkj_246@yahoo.co.in ; 98555-15644. C4-12843B Professionally qualified match for Jat Sikh citizen girl, December 1987, 5'-5". Graduate Public Health from Sanfrancisco, joining Master in Science Nursing in Aug. Educated family settled in California since 1998. Email: rooblaee20@yahoo.com C4-12845 Reputed affluent Chandigarh Jat Sikh family seeks a well educated business/professional match from similar status Jat Sikh family for daughter, December 1986, 5'- 7", B.Com Hons. DU, MBA, working in MNC. Respond with biodata & photo at: celebrations222@yahoo.com C4-13371B Seeking a Jat Sikh Doctor/Pharmacist/Eng./Dentist match for 27, 5'-2", Pharm.D USA citizen daughter. Please send biodata and pictures at: sikhjatt909@gmail.com C4- 5739B Wanted cleanshaven Jat-Sikh PQM for convent educated, very pretty, fair & smart girl, 1987 born, 5'-5", BMS (Mumbai), MBA (Singapore). Please respond with complete bio-data and recent picture at ssm2312@gmail.com C4-5963 US citizen well-established Jat Sikh parents invite correspondence from US based suitable Jat Sikh boy MD or MBA for their Health Law Attorney 27/5'-10" slim, beautiful US born daughter. Send bio-data and picture to Email: doclaw12@gmail.com C4-6553 SM4 32/5'-6", smart b'ful slim Jat Sikh girl, wkg. with International Organisation, issueless divorcee educated India/abroad UGC qualified ready to relocate. Send photo with proper biodata. hksj1981@gmail.com NA4-10585 Highly qualified IIT, IIM, Civil Services, Doctor match for very beautiful, 1991 born, fair, 5'-5", Jat Sikh girl, B.Com. (Banking and Insurance), M.Com., MBA (Finance and Marketing), Campus placement with MNC, father Senior Bureaucrat, mother Doctor. Only urban- based, convent educated boy from equal status family may respond. Please contact 098194-87557. NA4-7640 Suitable match for beautiful issueless divorcee USA Green card holder Jat Sikh girl, 30/5'-2", B.A., B.Ed. Preferred USA settled boy. Contact 81949-48515, 81465- 75100. NA4-9114 Jat Sikh parents seek a suitable match preferably a Doctor for their US citizen Dentist daughter 82 born, 5'-4". Please respond with biodata and recent picture at sanjog7914@gmail.com or contact on 0012096691097, Mobile 098786-32708. NA4-9752 Professionally qualified match for Saini Sikh beautiful, slim girl, 85 born, 5'-4", MBA (HR). Preference Saini Sikh families only. Gotra Dhamrait. Email: harinder271954@gmail.com Phone: 82888-24264. C4-11965 Match for fair Hindu Saini girl, 10.4.89/5'-2", MCA. Working as Junior Programmer (Contract basis) in Haryana Govt at Chandigarh. Haryana, Chandigarh preferred. Mobile no. 89680-42269. Email : bsaini1250@gmail.com C4-12045 Suitable match for beautiful Saini Sikh vegetarian girl B.Com, MBA. May. 86, 5'-4". 9876501680. Email: ms88ip@gmail.com C4-13189 Match for Sood girl, January 31, 1980, Kullu, 4'-11", MA, M.Ed, working in Cambridge International School (Kullu). 094181-28600, diptisalhuria@yahoo.co.in C4-11584 Alliance invited from well qualified Status NRI Punjabi/Sikh cleanshaven boy for Graduate Chandigarh, 2 years study Canada. Now on Work permit. 5'-1", 24 years, fair, slim, charming. Currently in India. Arora business family Chandigarh. paramjitkaur26jan@gmail.com C4-11474 Suitable match for beautiful fair smart 5'-1", Sept. 77, Hindu Arora girl, M.S. Education Technology from California State University on H1B visa, drawing 48K USD PA. Caste no bar. Contact: 9815043336. E-mail: kalra.ak64@gmail.com C4-11476 Professionally qualified Sikh Ahluwalia girl, 28/5'-8", MS in Computer Science from USA, working in MNC (USA) on H-1B Visa. Upper middle class family. Father Gazetted Officer. Brother Engineer in USA. Contact: 8054458547. Email: sanjog2954@gmail.com C4-12377 Compatible match for B.Tech (India), MBA (Canada). PR in Progress for Canada 80 born, 5'-2" Verma Kashatry girl. Father medical director, brother doctor. Well placed family. Own kothi in Mohali. Parents & girl in India for Immediately marriage. Contact: 8968399546, 9876051288. Email: verma.r6@gmail.com C4-13085 SM for Nai girl, June '80, 5'-3", well-educated Software Engg. in IT company. Upper caste no bar. 86994-82729, 98783-93002. C4-11795 Suitable match for Himachali Girth girl, 8.9.85, 5 am., Harsar Dehri (Himachal) born, MBA (HR), working in MNC and settled in Chandigarh with family. Please Contact: 98551-85743, 97811-25743. C4-13475 Suitable match for B.Com., MBA Himachali Rajput girl 5'-5", 17.4.1986, 7.45 p.m., Cuttack, Orissa. 098613- 44786, 094378-08282. kthakur.pushpa@gmail.com A4-7973 Match required for Punjabi Rajput girl, 27/5'-3", MBA HR, Mohali based self employed. Corporate Manager Tricity preferred. Cleanshaven, non smoking, highly educated need apply. Email: scsingh16@gmail.com ; Contact: 098180-55964. C4-11084B Suitable match for beautiful Mair Rajput Sikh girl, 23 yrs, 5'-7", M.Tech.. Status family. Upper caste no bar. Mob: 9872722277. gurpreet1690@gmail.com C4-11975 Suitable match for Kashyap Rajput (Mehra) M.Sc. Ph.D Physics girl, Asstt. Prof. Engr College, 15 Feb. 1986, 6 am, 5'-3". Cleanshaved Govt/status job preferred. Father Senior officer. Early decent marriage. 9501892025. E-mail: surkumar@bhelhwr.co.in C4-12151 Suitable match for beautiful, slim, Mair Rajput girl 23/5'-4½" MBA (Finance). 90414-21988. verma.uss@gmail.com C4-12779 Match Gold Medalist doing Ph.D, 3.3.87/5'-6", 7 p.m., Pathankot, Radha-Soami Rajput girl in Tricity. Send biodata: atthakur27@gmail.com Contact 098885-29388. C4-13365 Professionally qualified, well settled match for beautiful, B.Tech., MBA, 5'-2",manglik saraswat brahmin girl, 04.07.1987, Chandigarh 19:30 hrs. Contact after matching kundli. Contact after 3 pm on working days. 98159-92547, sangitasharma1960@gmail.com C4-11600 Suitable match for Saraswat brahmin girl, MA (Economics) B.Ed, CA June 77, 5'-2", taking coaching classes in Commerce. Contact: 0172-2583972. C4-11715 For Ldh. based M/NM, fair, slim, Saraswat Brahmin, Pbi. girl, 9 May, 86, 7:45am, Ldh., 5'-5½", M.Tech. (Comp. Sc.) PU Chd. Asstt. Prof. (Contract) in reputed Govt. Instt. Equally and professionally qualified, veg. match required. 98556-28908, chhinder56@gmail.com C4-11927 Match for Pbi Sr. Brahmin (Modgil gotra) girl 01.04.1982, 0032 (Thu), Chandigarh, 5'-5½", 110 kg, working MNC, 20000/- P.M., Mother retd. Bank Manager, settled own flat Panchkula. Younger sister settled Delhi. Caste no bar. Healthy boys settled Trictiy preferred. Kundli matching must. 9872971342, madhubalamb19@gmail.com C4-12011 SM4 beautiful Himachali Brahmin girl 18.07.1985, 11:05 p.m. 5'-4" Mandi (HP) M.Sc. (Chem.) B.Ed. Teaching in Jawahar Navodaya Vidayalaya on regular basis. Family based at Zirakpur. E-mail: sd.rohit87@gmail.com 97807- 91945. C4-12509 C.A./MBA/Highly qualified handsome match for beautiful, very fair, Gaur Brahmin girl, 27, 5'-4", Chartered Accountant Delhi. Contact: 09555059787. Email id: vivahsvav@gmail.com C4-12748 Match for Punjabi Saraswat Brahmin girl March 1983/5'- 4". M.Sc. (Micro-biology)/B.Ed. Working, PGI, Chandigarh. 96530-29055, kdsharma879@gmail.com . C4-12909 Professionally qualified match for khatri Sood beautiful, slim, fair, working B.D.S. girl, P.G. Hospital Management 27/5'-4½". Vegetarian, non-smoker, teetotaller boy in Tricity preferred. Upper caste no bar. 097790-78283. C4-12487 Match for slim, beautiful, B.E., MBA (reputed Institutes) Convented girl, 31.10.81, 5'-4", Infosys, Chandigarh 11 LPA. Email: matrimony_chd@yahoo.in C4-13297
Hindu Sahni Khatri beautiful, B.Tech., not working, 5'-2", 15 Nov. 1988, Kurukshetra. 097290-63789. sahnikkr@gmail.com C4-5826 Match for Vishwakarma wheatish girl, 27/5'-2½". Govt job PGI. J.L.T. (M.Sc.). Email: reenapanchal20@gmail.com , 94175-11851. C4-11182 Well qualified match for Sikh Khatri vegetarian beautiful girl 80/ 5'-2'' MIB, MCA 8427954820. sikhkhatri2014@yahoo.com C4-6210 Looking for a well established Businessman/Industrialist boy for smart, elegant, beautiful Sikh Khatri girl, 5'-2", 1989. At present studying in U.K. belonging to Reputed business family. 096469-10820. orangesilky7@gmail.com C4-7024 IAS, IRS, PCS, gazzetted officer match required: very beautiful Adharmi girl, 5'-2'/1988, B.Tech, gazzetted officer in Punjab government. Father class-I officer. 82888-20232. C4-11204 Suitable match for Ramdasia Sikh, beautiful, BDS girl, 25/5'-3". Well educated family. Parents employed in nationalised bank. Contact: 09988704912. Email: kanwarpalsinghmehra@yahoo.com C4-11665B M.Tech. Engineer match for Ramdasia beautiful girl, 31/5'-3". MPH Senior Research Fellow PGIMER. Brother Australian citizen. NRI preferred. 98153-58786. Email : premmalkiat@gmail.com C4-13079 Professionally qualified match for 83 born 5'-2", M.Tech. Regular Govt. Asstt. Professor. Ravidasia girl. 98155-67147, kamal_4976@yahoo.com C4-13227 Professionally qualified boy for Mazabhi Sikh/Balmiki girl MCA, M.Phil. College Lecturer 1981/5'-2", 42,000/. Settled Tricity preferred. Caste no bar. 98148-02247, 99154-84482. C4-13549 Match for Hindu SC (Chamar) fair, vegetarian, Chandigarh-based girl, 16.08.1987, 5'-2", M.A., ETT, father/two brothers in Government service. Preferred Government job. 99158-62058, beochd@yahoo.com NA4-9017B Professionally qualified Manglik match for beautiful Kashyap Rajput Manglik girl 29.04.1986, 09:02 am, Ambala, 5'-3", MBA (Finance), PGDCA, working as Deputy Manager with reputed Bank. Upper caste no bar. Father Gazetted officer (Haryana Govt.). Brother & sister well-qualified. Contact: 094160-86700. partapbdpo@gmail.com C4-13215 Manglik Khatri Walia M.Sc. Computer 8.8.81, 4.48 p.m. Chandigarh, 5'-3", doing job in Govt. School, Chandigarh (Contract). Upper Caste no bar. 94179-36540. ramsaroop1954@yahoo.in C4-13271 Professionally qualified match for Manglik Ad-Dharmi beautiful girl, 5'-3", 29.06.1989, Ludhiana, 8:15 a.m., B.Tech (DOT.NET) Administrator Chandigarh, and Probationary Officer selected. Contact: 946428-0974. NA4-9444 Suitable match for Rajput, divorcee, beautiful girl, British Citizen, 84 born/5'-2", Masters degree, study+working. mairrajput@hotmail.co.uk C4-11116B PQSM for garg female 30, MBA SBI, Officer issueless divorcee. send BHP, 098725-47417, sgarg1113@yahoo.com C4-11633 Seeking educated match for issueless, beautiful, slim, very fair, 5'-1"/1977, Primary Teacher in Army School, Chopra Khatri, MA/B.Ed/NTT/B.Lib. girl belonging to army family. 1 month marriage. 98143-00828. C4-13067B USA settled Professional handsome boy for slim beautiful Professional Punjabi Mittal girl. Chandigarh employed. MBA. 86 born, 5'-5". Caste no bar. 98554- 36137. vinod7566@gmail.com C4-11366
Match for slim fair homely Punjabi Garg girl, 5'-6", 24, M.Sc. Computers PGDCA. Vegetarian business family preferred. Email:
guptaritesh37@yahoo.in , Mobile: 09814975817. C4-11969