In our fight against terrorism, we have no
time to pause and ponder. Nor can we wait for help from
other countries to contain militancy. We shall have to
fight terrorism to the finish. None can be the
beneficiary of terrorism. Pak-sponsored terrorism in
India, in the long run, will backfire, making its
sponsors the victims. Stray incidents of terror that are
reported from some parts of Pakistan are its outcome. The
author rightly holds: It may be a matter of time
before these rootless mercenaries pounce upon their
sponsors. IQBAL
Bijhari (Hamirpur)
recent killing of 35 innocent Sikhs of Chatti Singhpora
village in Anantnag district (Kashmir) by militants and
foreign mercenaries was very painful. It is a glaring
example of the governments failure to provide
proper security to the minority communities in the
Kashmir valley. Sikhs are known for making great
sacrifices for the right cause. History is witness to
this hard fact. But in the present case the government
did not care to arm them and left them at the mercy of
The author has rightly
condemned fundamentalism/terrorism in J&K and other
parts of the country with full force at his command. He
has stated clearly that past experience is witness to
this fact that the countries which promoted terrorism
were ultimately victims of their own creation. The USA is
a glaring example of this. Pakistan will also experience
it at a later stage.
My simple point is that
our security forces should put a halt to the activities
of militants, defeat the evil design of the enemy and
restore peace in Kashmir.
It is high time our
present rulers exhibited their collective will to root
out terrorism completely from the country. To achieve
this goal, the government should frame a comprehensive
plan. Pakistan should be told in clear terms that India
means business now and is determined to teach a lesson to
Pakistan worth remembering for all times to come.
Sarah (Dharamsala)
Kashmir mania is only a shadow which Pakistan has been
running after for the past 53 years, leaving the
substance behind. According to Asia Weeks latest
list of vital signs, Pakistan and Afghanistan are two of
the seven countries poorer than poor India. Better
General Musharraf addresses himself to the peoples
woes grinding poverty, killing illiteracy,
starvation, hunger, death, disease, etc instead of
raising war cries. His predecessor rulers have already
tasted the bitter pill of three wars with India. He
himself carries the wounds of Kargil misadventure on his
The nasty General
threatens India with a nuclear war. It will hurt India
but remove Pakistans name from the world map. Yet
the frightened General insists on the resumption of talks
with this country to help defuse the
situation. Of what use a resumption of dialogue
would be if cross-border terrorism continues unabated.
Sabha falling apart
Apropos of Ms Poonam I.
Kaushishs article (Power brokers call the
tune: Rajya Sabha falling apart, April 4), the
elections to the Rajya Sabha had not in the past aroused
much excitement, given the nature of the electoral
college; and the outcome could have been expected to
reflect the strength of the parties in the respective
state assemblies. But the last round of polls to the
Upper House was marked by uncertainty and a significant
degree of cross-voting. Several parties have consequently
suffered considerable erosion as certain MLAs could be
persuaded to vote for other candidates. This certainly is
a cause for concern.
Money and other means of
allurement had played a role in the polls to such an
extent that the Chief Election Commissioner, Dr. M.S.
Gill, felt it necessary to come out in the open with an
official letter about the influence of money power in the
Rajya Sabha election. Of course, many rich people have
cracked the code for getting into the Rajya Sabha. All
this must have saddened the veterans of the Rajya Sabha;
people who have given their lives to public service now
find that the chamber they love and respect has become
the centre of such ugly deal-making. Tragically, such is
the decline in the standards of our public life that the
Rajya Sabha cannot be an exception to the trend.
The commitment and the
discipline of legislators seem to be waning in the face
of pressures and allurements. This is a cause for alarm,
and it is time the leaders of the various parties made
attempts to check the ascendancy of partyless politics
played through means other than programmes and ideology.
Apart from the fact that such a tendency could lead to
the distortion of the functioning of Parliament, this
phenomenon threatens to eat into the vitals of our
democratic structure.
and terrorism
INDIA has forgotten, and
perhaps so has Pakistan, that it can paralyse the canals
in Pakistan and can use this as a tool for stopping
cross-border terrorism. A million dollar question is: why
has this not been done so far?
All that it has to do is
to make up its mind and plan its strategy in three stages
as under:
Stage one: India should
make a declaration that it will be proceeding to paralyse
the working of Pakistani canals. This will set the alarm
bells ringing in Pakistan and it is possible that the
centre of gravity of the dispute between the two
countries may shift from terrorism in Kashmir to canals
in Pakistan.
Stage two: India should
start the construction of a gated tunnel somewhere in
Himachal Pradesh for connecting the river Chenab with the
Ravi. It will be similar to the one already constructed
for connecting the Beas with the Sutlej near Mandi. This
will not mean violation of any treaty. It will also not
mean the crossing of the LoC or resorting to any type of
violence and hence will be within the parameters of the
prescription for peace as suggested by President Clinton.
Stage three: India
should rescind the Indus Water Treaty of 1960 at a time
of its choice by opening the gates of this tunnel and
should keep them open so long as Pakistan does not end
In view of the Lahore
declaration and Indias bitter experience at Kargil,
India should take up the construction of this tunnel on a
Former Engineer-in-Chief,
Irrigation Deptt, Haryana.
