bright light during dark hours
Prisoner JP in
M. G. Devasahayam
Freedom became
one of the beacon lights of my life and it has remained
so ever since. Freedom with the passing of years
transcended the mere freedom of my country and embraced
freedom of man everywhere and from every sort of trammel.
Above all it meant freedom of the human personality,
freedom of the mind, freedom of the spirit. This freedom
has become a passion of my life and I shall not see it
compromised for bread, for security, for prosperity, for
the glory of the state or for anything else.
Jayaprakash Narayan
IN the dying moments of the 2nd
millennium, standing on the ramparts of the Lincoln
Memorial at Washington DC, President of the United States
of America, William Jefferson Clinton declared: The
story of 20th century is the triumph of freedom. We must
never forget the meaning of the 20th century or the gifts
of those who worked and marched, who fought and died for
the triumph of Freedom.
That self-effacing Noble
Laureate and philosopher-economist Amartya Sen, in a BBC
interview that preceded President Clintons homily,
echoed this in equally emphatic terms. According to Prof.
Sen, Freedom is more critical for the developing
world because it gives voice to the poor and the
It is this voice, when
heard loud and clear, that facilitates access to
necessities, so essential for alleviating poverty. For
him freedom was the best thing to have happened to India,
giving its poor a voice and say in the policies of
governments. True indeed.
At the dawn of
Independence, the founding fathers of our Republic chose
the path of freedom and democracy despite extremely
trying circumstances. Thanks to this, in the more than 50
years of our existence as a free nation, we have
considerably surmounted the problem of poverty. What is
more, despite all trials and tribulations and its many
imperfections, India today is being lauded as the
largest democracy on earth. But this very
freedom stood trammelled and extinguished for 21 months
commencing from this day 25 years ego.
Loknayak Jayaprakash
Narayan, popularly known as JP was among Indias
tallest leaders who had worked and marched, fought
and died for the triumph of freedom in a country
wherein live one-sixth of the human race. And he did it
not once, but twice as a fiery fighter for freedom
from alien rule under Gandhijis leadership and
later winning it back from a native durbar,
which brought in emergency rule through the
back door, under his own stewardship. But this
gift of his has been ignored and his name is
being virtually erased from public memory.
This, in fact, is the
trauma and tragedy of the Indian nation, keeping its
resourceful but miserable millions, at the bottom of the
pit. We worship the high and the mighty or those anointed
or propelled by them. We adulate self-seeking, power
hungry hypocrites hailing them messiahs and
revolutionary leaders. But we ignore and
indeed humiliate sincere, honest and selfless people who
have given everything for the country and its people, but
did not seek anything in return.
JP is one such man who
sacrificed all that he had his youth, his family,
his health and his life so that this country
attained Freedom and later sustained it. Tragically
today, he stands near totally forgotten, slighted and
ignored by the very people for whom he gave up
A quarter century ego,
in the dark hours of the night of June 25/26, 1975, when
people slept, this ancient land of ours, wedded to
freedom and democracy since Independence, stealthily
slipped into slavery. In earlier instances when Indians
lost their freedom, these were through external
aggression and hegemony.
But this time around,
the nation and its people were sought to be subjugated
through internal repression and suppression of dissent
wrought in by a native, democratically elected
leadership, which was facing public wrath due to its
various acts of commission and omission.
This sordid saga of
National Emergency (from June 1975 to March 1977), which
imposed dictatorship by suspending Indias
Constitution and the Fundamental Rights of its citizens,
is the most devious and dubious chapter in Indias
50 years existence as a Sovereign Republic. Painfully so,
since this was done with consummate ease and through a
seemingly democratic process.
For India and Indians,
Year 2000 is more than an inaugural year of a new century
and a new millennium. It is the completion of half-a-
century of our Democratic Republic and 25 years of the
ravaging of that democracy and its attempted replacement
by a coterie-led dictatorship.
During the 18 months of
active Emergency, people moved in hushed silence, stunned
and traumatised by the draconian goings on. Across the
nation, groveling academicians, advocates and accountants
vied with each other to sing paeans of glory to the
Emergency rulers, some signing pledges of loyalty and
servitude in blood!
Whisky swilling and pipe
smoking social climbers and sycophants chanted in unison,
Discipline is preferable to Democracy, just
because trains were running on time and they got parking
space in Connaught Place! The bulk of the civil service
crawled when asked to bend. Higher echelons of judiciary
bowed to the dust and decreed that under the Emergency
regime citizens did not even have the right to
Politicians of all hue
and colour, barring honourable exceptions, lay supine and
prostrate. There was gloom all around and it looked as if
every thing was over and the worlds largest
democracy was slowly but surely drifting into
dictatorship. But through this all, one single soul, one
lonely spirit continued to stir in anguish and agony, for
the first few months in captivity at Chandigarh and later
attached to a dialysis machine at Bombays Jaslok
Hospital and a spartan house at Patna. Yet, this defiant,
indomitable spirit in the person of Jayaprakash Narayan
dared the might of Indiras dictatorship and
defeated it thereby restoring freedom and democracy to
India. This he did despite being in the frailest of
health and living on borrowed time.
The happenings during
the first few months of the Emergency (when JP was in
captivity and lodged at the special ward of
Chandigarhs PGI, temporarily notified as Jail) were
truly momentous in the sense that the true agenda of the
democrats-turned-dictators and the extreme
vulnerability of Indian elite to state power and tyranny.
was revealed But for the rise of JP and the people
finding an icon in him, India would have
irreversibly passed into dynastic autocracy
with Sanjay Gandhi inheriting the mantle of
power from that self anointed Queen-empress,
Indira Priyadarshini Nehru-Gandhi.
All nations, most of all
India, need a symbol, human or not, to which they can
cleave when times are bad, which can unite them across
barriers of caste, creed, clan and language.
Mid-seventies were bad days and through the draconian and
repressive regime of National Emergency and the era
of discipline positioned against anarchy and
chaos, Mrs. Gandhi was building herself up into
that national symbol, that icon.
If she had succeeded,
she would have got a clear mandate of the electorate in
any ensuing election, since majority of voters would have
voted for her instead of opting for a vacuum. When firmly
in saddle, with autocracy and the Emergency endorsed by
the electorate, the iconship would have
passed on to Sanjay Gandhi who was waiting in the wings.
With age in his favour and his known dislike for the
democratic process, India would have drifted from
direct democracy to directed
democracy, a euphemism for dictatorship. An
alternative icon was needed to prevent this tragedy from
happening and JP with his towering personality and his
aura as the hero of Quit India movement
eminently filled the bill.
JPs emergence as
an alternate icon to take the nation back to freedom and
democracy was not an easy task. The Sarvodaya leader was
out of circulation and public view for several years
before he surfaced in 1974 to lead an uprising, which
mostly involved the youth. Mainly students spearheaded
this uprising, popularly known as JP
Emphasising on the
movements main thrust JP said, We have always
raised our voice against corruption. Prevention of
corruption was the main aim of our movement. These
were indeed genuine and unassailable demands and should
have received positive response from any Government run
on democratic principles. Instead, a power drunk ruling
coterie chose to respond brutally with harsh repressive
measures resulting in the strengthening and spreading of
the JP movement.
The Allahabad High Court
judgement of June 12, 1975 unseating Mrs. Gandhi from
Parliament for corrupt practices gave a big
fillip to the movement, which was poised to sweep the
country. But before it could gain momentum Mrs. Gandhi
struck and in one swift move declared the Emergency and
incarcerated all worthwhile leaders who commanded public
On top of the list was
enemy number one of the state Jayaprakash
Narayan. By this time JP had come to symbolise the
conscience of the nation and uncompromising opposition to
corruption and despotism which had become the hallmarks
of Congress party and governments. By locking up an
ailing JP in confinement, the ruling coterie thought they
could break his body and spirit and thereby eliminate the
only hurdle they had in enjoying uninterrupted and
unfettered power.
What man proposes
God disposes. In this case it was a woman proposing
to be the icon of 70 crore (700 million) people and the
unquestioned leader of the vast sub-continent of India
for years to come and then pass it on to her chosen
progeny. Using the Emergency as a whip to
discipline the nation and building herself up
as Indira is India, she would have eminently
succeeded with individuals and institutions collapsing
one by one and falling by the wayside. And, barring
sporadic murmurs of dissent, she had no opposition
whatsoever and all roads were clear as far as eyes could
see. But God has his own way of disposing.
During the initial days
of the Emergency, within the confines of the yet to be
commissioned intensive care ward of the PGI, JP was a
old, haggard, incoherent, disjointed and defeated
individual who felt that all hopes were gone and freedom
in India stood extinguished. He had also mentally
reconciled himself to die in confinement as a
prisoner of Indira Gandhi. But the Almighty and the
Ultimate Arbiter had other ideas. He wanted this man, who
once symbolised all that was fiery in Indias
Freedom struggle and all that was noble in pursuing a
cause, to resurge, rise again and re-emerge as the
nations hope and the alternate icon to lead the
people back to freedom and democracy. For accomplishing
this, He chose an insignificant instrument in me, then
the Commissioner-cum-District Magistrate-cum-IG Prison of
Chandigarh and therefore the custodian of JP in
When I received
prisoner JP at the tarmac of Chandigarh Air
Force base on the night of July 1, 1975, the Emergency
was only a few days old. JP had been taken into custody
under the dreaded Maintenance of Internal Security Act by
the District Magistrate, Delhi on 25/26 June night, moved
around nearby areas of Haryana and Delhis All-India
Institute of Medical Sciences, and was being brought to
Chandigarh for safe custody and medical care. To me at
that time JP was an enigma as well as a mystery. My
memory of him as the Hazaribagh hero of the
forties was hazy and the perception of his recent
campaign for total revolution was rather
confusing. The reception party of myself,
Chandigarhs Senior Superintendent of Police M. L.
Bhanot and the Air Force Station Commander Air Commodore
Bhasin was very courteous to JP and he was taken directly
to the PGI Guest House, done up with all security
trappings. My first impression of the old man was that he
was totally perplexed and did not know what was
The directive from
Delhi Durbar was that on
depositing JP in the PGI Guest House, I
should report to Mr. Bansi Lal, the then Chief Minister
of Haryana and a key member of the ruling Emergency
coterie. When I called him up, his instructions were
terse, yeh salah apne aapko hero samajtha hai. Us
ko wahin pade rehne do. Kisi se milne ya telephone karne
nahin dena. Aap hi khatam ho jayaga.(This damn
fellow thinks he is a hero. Let him lie there. Dont
allow him to meet anybody or telephone any one. He will
be finished this way). The same night Union
Territorys Home Secretary conveyed to me another
dicktat from Bansi Lal that JP should not be
allowed to take a walk in the open between sunrise and
sunset. Being unaware of the actual Emergency
agenda I did not give much importance to this. But
later events were to reveal as to how ominous these
remarks and these instructions turned out to be.
Something in my
subconscious told me that this was not an ordinary man
and his days in confinement would one day be part of
history. As I drove back home from PGI Guest House around
midnight, my mind went back to the days of India
celebrating Independence when I was a tiny toddler. I
vaguely remembered that in the far corner of the country
where I belonged to (Kanyakumari, the Lands End of
India) it was JPs name, which was in
everyones lips. And his name was spoken in awe and
admiration. Now also, within one year of his coming back
to active public life, he has roused the people and their
conscience which was lying dormant all the while.
In such a short period
he had become the idol of the youth and the leader of a
mass movement which shook Governments at their very
foundation. During the 22 weeks JP was in Chandigarh, I
did come to know him very intimately. And having
understood the nobility of his struggle and the intensity
of his commitment, partook in all matters concerning him
and the State, shared his intimate thoughts and feelings,
discussed political events and happenings, played
Devils Advocate, participated in
brainstorming and strategy sessions, took charge of his
mental and psychological well-being, initiated the
reconciliation process between him and the Prime Minister
and succeeded in reviving his faith in himself and his
people which he was on the verge of losing.
In short I became part
and parcel of the transformation of the dare-devil
hero of the first freedom struggle from a
defeated idol in to an inspiring
icon who 15 months later led the second
liberation movement successfully and restored
India back to freedom and democracy.
Needless to say that the
short tenure of JPs confinement was filled with
high explosive events. One central thread however that
stretched through the entire period of nearly five months
of JPs confinement was the confused and erratic
attitude of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in dealing with
JP as Prisoner obviously under pressure from
the Delhi Durbar. This predicament trickled
down to all echelons of Government both in the Centre and
the Union Territory of Chandigarh. Even on the day JP
arrived at Chandigarh this confusion was evident. Though
he was an ordinary MISA detainee whose health was not all
that bad we were under strict instructions from Delhi to
have him housed in the PGI under the care of a battery of
doctors for no apparent reasons. So we had to hurriedly
do up a guesthouse in the PGI campus with all security
arrangements, declare it a temporary jail and lodge the
VIP prisoner there.
My world lies in
shambles all around me. I am afraid I shall not see it
put together again in my lifetime. May be my nephew and
nieces will see that. May be. These opening words
of JPs Prison Diary-1975s first entry
dated 21 July a full three weeks after his arrival
in Chandigarh amply describe a sense of defeatism
and extremely fragile state of JPs mind and spirit
during the initial days of his confinement under MISA.
While this was the state within PGI confines, outside
some strange things were . Under instructions from the
Delhi Durbar, Chandigarh Administration was
preparing a contingency plan in the event of JPs
death in detention and a death drill was
being rehearsed. I was party to this bizarre event of
discussing and rehearsing a living mans funeral and
it did leave a scar in my mind. The main point at issue
was the Armys role in such an eventuality and there
was strong difference of opinion on this.
Blissfully unaware of
these happenings and the rehearsal of his own funeral, JP
was taking stock of things and doing some hard soul
searching, introspection and evaluation of events leading
to the imposition of the Emergency and its aftermath.
This intense solo-brainstorming led JP to
believe that the intellectuals who had egged
him on saying JP you are the only hope of the
nation and whom he counted upon as bulwarks of
democracy have buckled and have betrayed him. My sincere
efforts to assure him otherwise did not carry conviction
with JP.
This deep mental hurt
was the main cause for some disturbing developments later
including his conclusion that at least for the
foreseeable future, democracy in the country was dead.
And even when it was put together after a long
time he will not be there to see it. So, over a
period of several days he drafted a letter of
farewell to Mrs. Indira Gandhi pouring out his
heart in anguish, pleading with Mrs. Gandhi to mend her
ways and reconciling to die a prisoner under her
regime. This letter-indeed an epistle-sent on July
21, 75 to the Prime Minister caused quite a ripple
along the corridors of power.
Rules and instructions
from Delhi Durbar regarding interviews with
detainees and sending/receiving letters as well as taking
walks in open air were harsh and draconian. If these
rules had been complied with, JP would have been in near
total solitary confinement unable to meet anybody and
allowed to send/receive only very few letters.
Any one with some
conscience would not allow this to happen and I was no
exception. So I stuck my neck out and got the harshest
rules amended and others circumvented/defied to give some
humane treatment to JP by allowing frequent interviews
with his close friends and relatives. This came as some
relief for the forlorn old man who had no family
wife, son or daughter to call his own.
JP has been expecting
some response to his impassionate letter of July 21 from
Mrs. Gandhi whom he often referred to as the child
who used to play in my laps When this did not
materialise, he felt slighted and humiliated. Besides, he
has been reading heavily censored newspapers containing
news of intellectuals, academics and groups of people
hailing the Emergency and the
decisive leadership of Mrs. Gandhi as the
best thing to have happened to the country. What
particularly upset him was his mentor Vinobha Bhave
describing the Emergency rule as anusashan
parava (era of discipline). Already smarting under
a deep feeling of betrayal, these reports had tremendous
psychological impact on JP and he became a defeated
idol giving up all hopes and ready to fold up.
At this time came the
extremely disturbing news of the amendment of the
Representation of Peoples Act granting
immunity to the PMs election and also reports that
a constitutional amendment was being contemplated to make
the election of President, Vice-President, Prime Minister
and Lok Sabha Speaker non-justiciable. This was the
proverbial last straw on the camels
back and something inside JP snapped and he lost
all hopes for the revival of democracy and
decided to offer the supreme sacrifice at the
altar of the nation. On Sunday, August 10 I had permitted
Mr. S. N. Prasad (brother-in-law of JP) an interview for
one hour in the presence of Mr. Mohinder Singh, Executive
Magistrate cum Jail Superintendent. Around noon Mohinder
Singh delivered to me a letter from JP addressed to the
Prime Minister conveying his decision to go on fast
until death unless the Emergency was revoked and
all prisoners released within two weeks.
JP had authorised Mr.
Prasad to announce this to the outside world. Considering
the grave implications this could bring forth I took upon
myself the task of dissuading JP from this disastrous
move and succeeded after a two-hour highly surcharged
nail splitting verbal duel with the hard-boiled
In the midst of all
these, I was a mute witness to Delhi Durbar Playing
politics with peoples misery. Extremely
concerned and perturbed by the devastation and
destruction caused by unprecedented floods in his home
state of Bihar, JP drafted a SOS to the Prime Minister
(reproduced below), that was delivered post haste to
Prime Minister,
New Delhi
Feel deeply disturbed at
reports of Patna and Bihar floods. Never in known history
had Patna suffered thus. Pray for a months release
on parole so that I may mobilise peoples help from
within and without the state and organise popular relief
in cooperation with the state and Central Governments.
Even if floods recede there would remain colossal work to
be done. At the time of the Great Bihar Earthquake of
1934 the British had released Rajen Babu from Hazaribagh
for similar work. Request urgent attention and action.
This was a frantic
message in telegraphic style denoting extreme urgency.
What followed was heartless and cruel politicking in
Delhi with no concern for the misery of millions. Despite
the floods getting worse and JPs repeated pleadings
for parole to organise relief, the response from Delhi
Durbar was a stony, deafening silence.
Though the Bihar
episode was a bitter pill for JP to swallow, it did
have a small streak of silver lining. Utilising this
opportunity Prof. P.N. Dhar, Principal Secretary to Prime
Minister had sent Mr. B.B. Vohra, an Additional Secretary
in the Union Ministry of Agriculture for briefing JP on
the Bihar flood situation.
Though nothing much came
out of it, here was an opening for a possible
breakthrough to initiate the process of political
dialogue and reconciliation. So I got working on this,
quietly putting the thought of reconciliation in the mind
of JP, and increasingly getting positive response from
him. My efforts culminated in a warm gesture by way of a
letter to PM on September 17 expressing hope of an early
end to the Emergency.
The first tangible
result of my efforts towards reconciliation and
restoration of normalcy in the country came in the form
of a letter from JP to Sheikh Abdullah on September 22,
75 in response to a statement issued by the Sheikh
expressing himself in favour of Conciliation at
All-India level and offering his services towards
this. The letter, written at my instance, inter alia
said: However, in spite of all that has happened
and is happening, I am prepared to seek the path of
conciliation. I shall, therefore, be much obliged if you
kindly see me as soon as possible so that I could discuss
this matter with you.
I being the villain of
the piece, the arch-conspirator, culprit number one, a
return to true normalcy, not the false one established by
repression and terror, can only be brought about with my
co-operation. I am herewith offering you my full
co-operation. This letter was delivered at Delhi on
24 forenoon and the response from PMs office,
already working on the idea of reconciliation
was swift. A special emissary of the PMO (Sugatha Das
Gupta, Director, Gandhi Institute of Studies, Varanasi,
of which JP was the Chairman) arrived on 25 morning to
initiate efforts for a political dialogue between PM and
Though as per Delhi
instructions I was not to be present at the meeting, on
JPs insistence, I participated and succeeded in
breaking the ice and paved the way for the reconciliation
process to begin. There were some more visits by Sugatha
and the preliminary work on reconciliation was going
Kamarajs death on
October 2 came as a major setback for JPs Grand
Alliance plan to defeat Indira Congress as and when
election came. JP had confided in me that Kamaraj was the
most suitable person to head the united political party
he was planning. According to him since Kamaraj made
Indira Gandhi the PM, he should be the one instrumental
in removing her since she has turned dictatorial. JP also
wanted Mr. Kamaraj and Mr. M. Karunanadhi to come
together so that Tamil Nadu could get into the national
mainstream and a powerful regional opposition spearheaded
by DMK could be put together against the Congress party.
JP said that Kamaraj had
agreed to this in principle since according to him
(Kamaraj), allowing AIADMK to capture power in
Tamil Nadu would be a unmitigated disaster since this
party is nothing more than an
unprincipled cinema-crazy crowd.
The only contentious
issue of Kamaraj and Karunanidhi joining the Grand
Alliance was the inclusion of RSS-backed Bharatiya Jana
Sangh with its communal image. JP was confident of
resolving this in view of the solemn commitment given by
the top leadership of both these outfits to eschew
communalism in case the Alliance captured power at the
Centre. That the commitments were not honoured is another
As hope for the success
of reconciliation efforts and restoration of democracy
was rising, certain mysterious and intriguing things
happened raising disturbing doubts in my mind. Though old
in age and suffering from diabetes and mild heart
problem, JP was by and large keeping fairly good health
and was given good medical care at the PGI.
The first symptoms of
some major ailment appeared on September 26, just a day
after commencement of preliminary efforts towards
reconciliation following JPs letter to Sheikh
When asked about this
the doctors said that they are looking into it. For about
a month JP was OK but on October 24 the ailment (severe
stomach pain and sweating) reappeared with more intensity
and was noticed by me when I visited him in the morning.
The doctors had no
explanation for this. This again inexplicably happened
just two days after the delivery of a sealed letter from
Lord Fenner Brockway (eminent British Labour MP, Member
of Cripps Mission and a friend of India) to JP for which
he was contemplating an appropriate and positive
The content of the
letter was supposed to have been read only by the PM and
came with instructions that even I should not open it. As
per directions of the Union Home Ministry, I had
personally delivered this letter to JP unopened. JP
opened it, read it and with a smiling face gave it to me
insisting that I should read it.
The content of the
letter was a virtual apology on behalf of Indira Gandhi
for imposing the Emergency and seeking JPs
co-operation in restoring normalcy in the country.
Obviously Prime Minister was keen to end the Emergency at
the earliest, but there were powerful forces working
against it.
Looking back, I feel
that the 10 days from November 7 to 16 75 greatly
influenced Indias post-Independence history. On Nov
7, sharing the concern of JPs brother Rajeshwar
Prasad I had asked him to write a suitably worded letter
to the Prime Minister apprising her of the seriousness of
the matter. JPs health was deteriorating fast and
my suspicion was getting confirmed due to the
doctorss hedgy replies about JPs health and
the disappearance of Lord Fenner Brockways letter,
which was key to the revival of the reconciliation
process. Added to this was the intriguing phenomenon of
Sugatha returning JPs letter to Sheikh Abdullah
Under the circumstances,
I was convinced that it would be unsafe to keep JP in
Chandigarh any longer and he should get to a place where
his ailment could be diagnosed correctly and treated
This conviction led me
to initiate silent and swift steps to launch a multi
pronged assault - through PMs envoy Sugatha,
JPs brother Rajeshwar Prasad, Chandigarh Chief
Commissioner/Union Home Secretary (official) and my
personal channel on the PMO with the same message content
If JP dies to create a crisis
mind set and situation in Delhi.
This worked admirably
resulting in a flurry of activities leading to JPs
release under dramatic circumstances on November 12,
75 by an order served on him by the Chief Secretary
and District Magistrate of Delhi who flew into Chandigarh
by a special BSF aircraft.
They had brought with
them two mutually confusing orders-one for parole and one
for release- as a last ditch attempt by the Delhi
Durbar to sabotage the whole thing. I saw through
the game and guided JP to take the appropriate decision
resulting in his release on unconditional
Following the release of
JP, there was hectic activity and efforts by the
Delhi Durbar to delay his departure from
Chandigarh as long as possible and they were putting
pressure on the PGI doctors not to discharge him. This
only strengthened my suspicion further and I gave this
blunt poser to the PGI Medical Superintendent on November
14: Though JP is no longer in my custody, I am the
District Magistrate and am concerned with law and order
since students in the Panjab University campus, just
across the PGI were getting restive. I want an answer
are you curing him or discharging him? Take a
That very evening
doctors discharged him and pronounced him fit to travel.
On hearing of this there was panic in Delhi with its
repercussions in Chandigarh and I was pulled up for
speeding up JPs discharge. I realised that there
was no time to lose. Therefore, at great risk to my
person and career I hastened JPs departure by
virtually commandeering the Indian Airlines
Srinagar-Jammu-Chandigarh-Delhi Flight on November 16 to
get him out of Chandigarh in the company of Messieurs
Rajeshwar Prasad, M.R. Masani and R.K. Mishra who had
come to take JP straight to Bombays Jaslok
Though JP broke down
while taking leave of me, my colleagues M.L. Bhanot,
Mohinder Singh, R.D. Sharma (Deputy Jail Superintendent)
and the PGI doctors, I could see a steely resolve in him.
The departing words of JP only confirmed this. After he
was seated in the aircraft and the doors were closed,
they were opened again and the airhostess called for me
saying that JP wanted to see me. When I went to him he
shook me by the hand, thanked me profusely and said,
You are like a son I did not have. I will never
forget your kindness to me. Feeling terribly
embarrassed I responded by requesting him to look after
his health. JPs reply to this still rings in my
ears. Mr. Devasahayam, my health is not important.
The health of the nation is. I will defeat that woman and
have it restored. And then the aircraft departed.
As I drove back home, I
thought about JPs departing words. I knew that
woman was the harshest word JP would ever use
for Indira Gandhi. What he said meant that the fire was
back in him and I had been of some assistance in
transforming the Hazaribagh Hero from a
defeated idol to a defiant leader paving the
way for Indias second freedom some months later.
With this satisfaction I went back to my chores. The rest
is history.
