PSERC ignored farmers: BKU
Ludhiana, December 2
The Bharti Kisan Union has flayed the recommendations of the Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission as being discriminatory towards the farmers.
Prof Manjit Singh Kadian, acting chief of the union, said the commission had erred in not lowering the tariffs for tubewells in the state but had chosen to extend the benefits only to the urban population.
Rly gears up to deal with fog
Mandi Ahmedgarh, December 2
The Northern Railway has completed all preparations for preventing train accidents due to poor visibility in winter, says Mr R. F.
Jaruhar, General Manager.
Poor service disappoints food lovers
Ludhiana, December 2
The seven-day Chinese Food Festival, which started at the Sutlej club on November 28 with much hype, seems to have failed to satisfy food lovers because of slow service provided by the organisers. In the absence of the requisite number of chefs, waiters, supervisors, many Chinese food lovers are forced to resort to the routine club menu.
Kribhco Marketing Director
Ludhiana, December 2
Dr V.P. Singh, Senior General Manager, Krishak Bharti Cooperative Limited
(Kribhco), has taken over as Marketing Director of the organisation.