Check the imbalance in sex ratio
The data published online by the Lancet, which claims that 4.5 million girls have gone missing in the last decade, underlines that female-foeticide has become an accepted social norm (editorial,
“Missing daughters”, May 28). The most unfortunate aspect of this worrisome scenario is that the educated and financially well-off class of society, which is supposed to help in eradicating such social evils (ingrained in the mindset of society from medieval times) is encouraging them. The imbalance in sex ratio does not augur well for our society. It will pose danger to the institution of marriage. Earlier it was believed that illiteracy, poverty, backwardness and ignorance in women was responsible for the killing of daughters before they were born. But the Lancet report says that the more educated and moneyed the women are, the better equipped they are to kill their daughters. Society, the government, the media and social organisations should join hands and collectively fight to eradicate this social evil for the betterment of society. ARVIND DHUMAL, Jalandhar
II It is shocking that the rich and progressive people abort a foetus if it is found to be female in a diagnostic test. It is an immoral act and a crime against humanity. As rightly observed, there is need for stringent action against the perpetrators of this crime. The latest study has also revealed that women are equally competitive in all spheres of jobs: be it military, medicine, engineering, technology, academics or even mountaineering and winning medals in games. Any talk of empowerment of women shall be hollow if they are killed in a mother’s womb. All social, religious and political organisations should unite for the cause of wider awareness on this issue. Baba Nanak said, “So kyon manda akhiye jis jamme rajan” (Why abuse her who gave birth to kings). GURMIT SINGH SAINI, SAS Nagar Storage capacity Food is a perishable item and has limited shelf life (editorial, “Tackling food wastage”, May 28). The need of the hour is to divert attention from production to scientific storage to save 15-20 per cent foodgrains which go waste every year or it is not fit for human consumption. The concept of distributing six months ration to the poor has also been ruled out because of storage problem. The Public Distribution System (PDS) evolved as a system of management of scarcity and for distribution of foodgrains at affordable prices. Over the years, PDS has become an important part of government’s policy for management of food economy in the country. The PDS is not intended to make available the entire requirement of any of the commodities distributed under it to a household or a section of society. It is now one of the largest welfare institutions in the world. Food wastage is directly linked with the lack of scientific storage and in view of enormous wastage of foodgrains due to poor infrastructure across the country; the foodgrain storage should be included as one of the major point in the 12th Five Year Plan (2012-17). HARISH K. MONGA, Ferozepur Correction The article on the Election Commission published in The Tribune on the Perspective page on Sunday, May 29, carried “S.A. Quraishi” as the writer’s name. It should have been "S.Y. Quraishi", the Chief Election Commissioner of India. The error is deeply regretted. Editor-in-Chief, The Tribune
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