You have rightly said that the Pakistan Government will have to explain to the civilised world the brutal killing of Sarabjit Singh in jail. The time has come for India and Pakistan to review their policies on human rights of prisoners languishing in jails. We know a number of Indian prisoners are languishing in Pakistani jails who have not been given right to trial and family access. Even the Home Ministry does not have full details of prisoners, their sentences and state of health. After all, a prisoner is also a human being and his right to basic needs of health and living must be protected. India has always put special emphasis on human rights while dealing with prisoners whereas Pakistan has behaved like a terror state. India should send a tough message to Pakistan and stop being unnecessarily polite. RAVINDER SINGH
BRAR, Ludhiana
Healing touch for Valley
This refers to the article 'Valley requires healing
touch' by Lt-Gen Kamal Davar (May 2). Kudos to the writer for his insight into defence matters and internal security. Pakistan's devious hand is omnipresent in fomenting trouble in the Kashmir valley, but we must not let it happen. The whole world is aware of acts of Pakistan in Kashmir. The writer has suggested a remarkable solution to various problems of J & K. With a fast-changing socio-political scenario in Afghanistan, the increase in untoward activities in the Valley is very much on the cards. The Government of India and the J&K government must take note of the article and weigh all other possible solutions. MUMUKSHU K
THAKUR, Chamba
Quality of curriculum
Apropos the editorial 'Context Books: Education has to relate to
life' (May 3), the text books are indeed meant for learning with pleasure. The decision of the Punjab School Education Board to bring about a qualitative improvement in the school text books is a step in the right direction, though very late. The learning in first 10 years in schools lays the foundation of future of the students, so planners should be extra-conscious about the quality of curriculum. It is desirable that there should be different syllabi for primary, middle and secondary levels. At each level, there should be a blend of thoughts, contents, and quality of printing and presentation. Let our toddlers learn with a smile on their face and teens with interest and keenness. VK ANAND, Patiala
Road fatalities
The efforts of the Chandigarh Traffic Police have certainly helped reduce the rate of fatalities in Chandigarh. The inclusion of traffic rules in the syllabuses of middle to higher secondary classes is a good step and for which the credit goes to the Centre government. Reducing the rate of fatalities is a homage to those who have lost their lives in accidents. According to an estimate, we lose around 1.5 lakh persons in accidents annually. In Chandigarh, the multi-lane system exists but not the one comparable with those of Western countries where slow-moving vehicles are not allowed on the state/ national highways. In Chandigarh, the left lane is meant for slow-moving vehicles, the middle for going fast and the third for overtaking only. Still, accidents do happen here. Chandigarh should also ban plying of slow-moving vehicles on major roads to avoid traffic jams and accidents. Those violating traffic rules must be severely punished and those causing deaths awarded life imprisonment. BABU RAM DHIMAN, Pinjore
Policy on prisoners
Sarabjit Singh's death in Pakistan raises many questions. It is a pity that we treat each other's soldiers like enemies of humanity. Each soldier is doing his duty towards his country. All prisoners of war (PoWs), too, had been working for their respective countries. Why are not these prisoners returned to their own countries? The international community must be concerned about the rights of prisoners as well. They are also human beings who must be restored to their countries and families. Sarabjit's death has focused on this point. A prisoner should not subjected to inhospitable conditions in jail. There should be an international treaty that a prisoner should be repatriated to his country after serving four or five years for offence. Moreover, the death penalty must go. An arrested person should not be awarded punishment or put behind bars unless charges are proved against him. For example, Sarbjit was a target of mistaken identity and criminal conspiracy. JS
ANAND, Bathinda
Disabled get shabby treatment
Apropos the news item 'Differently abled couple pushed around at Badal's function' (April 28), it was shocking to note how the police treated a polio-stricken man and his visually impaired wife along with their two-year-old son. The disabled couple wanted to meet the Chief Minister to get their disability pension problem redressed from the local civil surgeon. The police did not allow the couple to meet the CM and pushed them out. One fails to understand the police's rude behaviour or indifference towards the couple, which was highly deplorable. They should have been sympathetic towards them and allowed to meet the CM. The CM claims to be a public servant, but such treatment to disabled persons belies his popular slogan "Raj nahi sewa". Badal should ponder over the compulsions of disabled persons - a powerless and voiceless section of society. As a public servant, he is equally answerable for rude treatment meted out to the couple. BK SETHI,Khanna