Make security checks mandatory
The recent attacks in Mumbai have once again shown that India is vulnerable to terrorist attacks There does not seem to be a national policy to tackle terrorism. Approaching the US for support will not help our cause. The US cannot stop terror attacks in India. Either our intelligence agencies are inefficient or their inputs are not taken seriously by other law enforcement agencies. The US is yet to see another major terror attack after 9/11. But we have not tried to learn from them. Our VIPs get annoyed when they are asked to pause for a security check. This is where we are different from the Americans. If we want to prevent future attacks, we have to stop giving preferential treatment to VIPs in security matters. We have to make security checks mandatory.
We, the people of India, must also cooperate with the government and its agencies in creating a safe environment for us. We must remember that if these attacks continue, our economy will suffer, and our dreams of becoming a prosperous country will remain unfulfilled. KARTAR SINGH, Amritsar
II This refers to the editorial, “Maximum restraint: Mumbai carries on” (July 16). The failure of the communication system and the inability of the Chief Minister to speak to the security after the blasts took place in Mumbai speak a lot about our preparedness to control such deadly attacks. The lack of political will is responsible for increasing terrorist attacks in our country. The people of India are fed up with the statements that those responsible for these attacks will not be spared. TV channels need utmost restraint while reporting these attacks in any part of the country. As the editorial says, no city is safe given the haphazard growth, crowded and chaotic bazaars. Besides, the habit of most of us to carry a handbag wherever we go makes the job of security personnel very difficult. The US has not given any chance to a terror attack after 9/11. No doubt, given the geographical location, India has a porous border and a difficult terrain. Therefore, we should remain vigilant all the time. RAJ KUMAR SHARMA, Chandigarh Unconditional talks The Darjeeling agreement signed on Monday may not be a permanent solution (editorial, “Darjeeling Accord”, July 19). But Mamata Banerjee has been able to initiate the peace process. The earlier Left Front government was rigid in its approach, and there was no real progress on the issue. It is true that Mamata Banerjee has been successful in creating a favourable environment for peace. However, the real challenge for her begins after the agreement. While the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) wants the inclusion of certain parts of the plains, including Siliguri and Dooars, a majority of the people there are against any such move. Mamata Banerjee will do well to take the interests of all sections into consideration before taking any decision. It is important that talks should continue not only between the state government and representatives of the GJM, but other sections, which are opposing the agreement, should also be invited. The solution to such problems lies in open and unconditional talks. All stakeholders need to appreciate the gravity of the situation and not put pressure on the government with unrealistic demands that will adversely affect the aspirations of others, and hence cannot be accepted. TANUSHREE ROY, Faridabad Slums in cities The editorial, “Townward march: But can our cities bear the influx?” (July 19), was informative. There is no denying the fact that the people living in rural areas of the country are seeking greener pastures in big cities. The shift can be attributed to inadequate employment opportunities in the rural areas of the country, and also the desire to enjoy all kinds of facilities that big cities offer to everyone. But the cities have failed to accommodate people coming from other places. Thus, more and more illegal colonies and shanties are coming up in the cities, which play havoc with the city’s atmosphere and character. The governments have not done much to cope with this grave situation. People flock to cities because they offer jobs to all kinds of people. But the issue of slums needs to be tackled at the earliest. R K KAPOOR, Chandigarh Video-game addiction This refers to the news report, “Too much gaming makes kids obese, violent: Survey” (July 19). Video games have become complex, detailed, and exhibit a lot of violence. With better graphics and more realistic characters, it is not surprising that children like to play the latest video game. They do not want to spend time with friends. They do not even like to play outside. Apart from violence, another harmful effect is obesity, which is the cause of many other ailments. Dr SHRUTI K CHAWLA, Chandigarh
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