Water crisis looms large in Gurgaon
There could not have been a better reference than Emperor Akbar’s compulsion to abandon his grand imperial complex at Fatehpur Sikri near Agra for paucity of water in the context of the grave water crisis in Gurgaon (editorial
“Bored to death”, July 18). It is ironical that the Millennium City’s sewage system has dirty nullah water even after a drizzle, while increasing numbers of taps are going dry with every summer season. Gross abuse of ground water by the dream merchants raising villas and multi-storeyed complexes in the mega city is one of the reasons for the continuously depleting water-table. Large reservoirs of usable water is wasted in swimming pools in most of these complexes besides reckless misuse of water in washing vehicles of people residing in the high-rises dotting Gurgaon’s skyline. Today’s aspiring youth investing their hard-earned money in Gurgaon can be in for a surprise when like Akbar’s army, they too may have to relocate elsewhere in less than a decade. It is surprising that considering the increasing shortage and mounting consumption, how can the builders go on promising 24 x 7 availability of supplies in their new complexes? Massive efforts are required to contain wastage of water: Work on the water treatment plant needs to be completed, massive campaigns need to be launched for effective rainwater harvesting and permission for boring tube-wells should be given only at the level of commissioner in each zone. TEJINDER SINGH
BEDI, Gurgaon
Power management
It is wrong to say that power boards are run by non-professional, political appointees in Punjab (editorial
‘Power politics at play’, July 18). Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal has professionalised management of power utilities by bifurcating the erstwhile Punjab State Electricity Board into two separate units. The Punjab State Power Corporation is headed by a professional known for his experience in power distribution and possesses an impeccable record of integrity. The board has two technical experts as directors and this is the only utility in the country not to have any bureaucrat as its full time director. The professional inputs are certainly going to stand the people of Punjab in good stead in the long run as lot of improvements is under way. The CM must concentrate on curbing corruption which would certainly rid the consumers of irregular and lengthy power cuts. The CM must ensure that no political patronage is given to corrupt inefficient employees as well as dishonest consumers. The regulator is also required to come clean by not bowing to political considerations while deciding tariffs. S C CHABBA, Panchkula
II It is well said in the editorial that the burden of inefficient power management falls on the honest power consumer, who not only pays more but also does not get an assured supply. Ordinary consumers are being forced to pay through their nose through the hiked power tariff. The obliging power regulatory body hiked the tariff when no polls are around the corner. A day after Dasuya bypoll results were out, Punjabis were gifted a 12.8 % hike in power tariff. A day after the hike, there were 8-10 phased power cuts in a day ranging from 15-90 minutes. A glaring example of adding insult to injury. Punjab CM justified the hike. If it was so justifiable, why was it held up till the municipal corporation and Dasuya Assembly elections got over? Instead of plugging leakage, wastage, pilferage or taking to nuclear, solar or other available means of power generation, the state government is making the helpless consumers pay for its wrong policies. Though Dushyant Kumar had written it in a different context, his famous lines are relevant to the power crisis, “Kahan to taye tha chirag har eik ghar ke liye, Kahan chiraag muyasar nahin shehr ke liye”. JASWANT SINGH GANDAM, Phagwara Babudom culture The Prime Minister has ordered a panel of secretaries to look into pay and pensionrelated issues of defence services personnel and ex-servicemen (news report: Cabinet Secy to chair panel on military pay issues”, July 14). This panel as usual does not include any representative of the armed forces or ex-servicemen. Why did the PM or Defence Minister not deem it necessary to include them in the discussion? Babus resort to fudging, suppressing and misrepresenting facts relating to soldiers legitimate dues even in the Supreme Court. The panel must be re-constituted with adequate and appropriate representation to the armed forces and their veterans. The three service chiefs must explain unambiguously to the PM that this exclusive panel of babus will not serve the soldiers’ cause. Lt Col JIWAN SHAROTRI (retd), Kasauli
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