Save India from anarchy
I fully share the tone and tenor of your timely and thought-provoking editorial, “No room for theatrics” (August 22), and whole-heartedly endorse the argument adumbrated therein. As the editorial points out, the country needs a “well-thought-out” bill that can withstand judicial scrutiny and help curb the growing menace of corruption. It is imperative for the country’s political parties/NGOs to jointly devise the requisite bill. Temptation to reap political capital out of the contentious issue must scrupulously be eschewed by one and all in the larger national interest. Anna Hazare’s ultimatum to the government —“Adopt the Jan Lokpal Bill or go” — under the circumstances, sounds altogether preposterous. One fondly hopes that the government, the Opposition and civil society will rise to the occasion and save the country from the impending anarchy. TARA CHAND, Ambota (Una)
The unprecedented support Annaji and his team is getting from all sections of the society proves that he is fighting for a just cause. Indian youths are particularly fascinated by his honest, straightforward but radical approach. It is heartening to see them moving away, though temporarily from cinema, cricket, crime etc, and discussing ways and means to fight corruption. Gandhi caps and CDs of patriotic songs are selling like hot cakes. Isn’t it amazing that a dhoti-clad 74-year-old man is the latest youth icon?
“Nothing can stop an idea whose time has come” and it seems that the time for a strong Lokpal and sweeping electoral reforms has come. But extreme tactics, such as going on a fast, should not be used every now and then to pressurise someone to accept a particular viewpoint. Opinions may differ, and their peaceful resolution is the beauty of democracy. The post of the Prime Minister is the cornerstone of our democratic setup and we should be proud of it. It has to be kept out of the ambit of the Lokpal for the simple reason that if we cannot elect a single honest person out of 121 crore as the Prime Minister, how shall we find an honest Lokpal? RAJESH KUMAR KHOTH, Sirsa 2G spectrum scam The editorial, “The trial: The CBI and court’s credibility is at stake” (August 25), discusses some crucial points related to the ongoing investigation in the 2G spectrum scam which cost the national exchequer nearly Rs 1.76 lakh crore. First, it was A Raja, who declared that he was just following the telecom policy of the Central government while he allotted the frequency licence to different private companies. He has told the nation umpteen times that even Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh and P Chidambaram were aware of the modalities of the 2G spectrum. Now it is the turn of the DMK MP, Kanimozhi, who has claimed to be completely innocent. She has denied having accepted a bribe of Rs 210 crore as director of Kalaignar TV, though the CBI has charged her for the same. I agree with the thoughtful argument that “the trial is a serious test of the independence of the judiciary and the CBI”. In our country, there is a common impression that the high-profile people flout laws and rules with impunity and nothing happens to them. In the present 2G spectrum case, the high-profile accused like A Raja and Kanimozhi seem to have the benefit of doubt. In my opinion, they symbolize the emerging bonds of trust and cooperation between rulers and the powerful corporate houses. In a way, they are the architects of neo-liberal economic policies. Dr RAJ BAHADUR YADAV, Fatehabad II The editorial, “The trial: The CBI and court’s credibility is at stake” (August 25) is a timely reminder to the CBI to exhibit its industry, impartiality and integrity. In the 2G scam, it must succeed in prosecuting the offenders successfully. To say that a bureaucrat’s job is merely to follow the policies of the government is incorrect. Bureaucrats are specially chosen and professionally trained in all aspects of administration to give clean and good governance. They are expected to serve responsibly in a caring, ethical and transparent manner. The editorial has rightly said that the trial is a serious test of the independence and credibility of the judiciary and the CBI. The offenders should be given exemplary punishment so that it acts as a deterrent to others. SC VAID, Greater Noida
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