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Form governing bodies, PU tells all affiliated colleges

Deepankar Sharda Chandigarh, June 15 Panjab University has asked its affiliated (non-government) colleges to ensure the constitution of governing bodies and selection committees, which are supposed to oversee the college affairs independently. Over 200 colleges Many colleges affiliated to PU...
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Deepankar Sharda

Chandigarh, June 15


Panjab University has asked its affiliated (non-government) colleges to ensure the constitution of governing bodies and selection committees, which are supposed to oversee the college affairs independently.

Over 200 colleges

Many colleges affiliated to PU in Chandigarh and Punjab are being looked after by managements. There are more than 200 affiliated colleges in Punjab and Chandigarh.

At present, many colleges affiliated to the university in Chandigarh and Punjab are being looked after by managements. There are more than 200 affiliated colleges in Punjab and Chandigarh.


A circular issued by the Deputy Registrar of the university has pointed out Section 27 of the Panjab University Act 1947 and Chapter VII(A) Affiliated College — Conditions of Affiliation of the university Calendar, Volume I (2002), in the fresh reminder to all colleges. “As the spirit of the Act and regulations, a non-government college is to be under the management of a regularly constituted body. The composition of governing bodies of each college has been enshrined in the regulation. Each college (non-government) shall have an independent governing body to deal with the affairs of the college,” reads the circular, which has been issued to all presidents/secretaries and principals of non-government college managements of Chandigarh and Punjab.

The circular further reads the formation of such bodies must come for approval through college principals. “It has been decided that the request for constitution of selection committees/panels and others will be entertained only if received from the principal/president of governing body of the college.

“The interviews of selection/CAS promotions of non-government colleges will be held at the college premises or Dean, College Development Council (DCDC) Bhawan, Panjab University,” says the circular.

“The circular has been issued based on discussions held with different committees and governing bodies,” said Prof Renu Vig, Vice-Chancellor, Panjab University.

Meanwhile a source said, “This has been an integral part of the university, but certain (college) managements were adamant to run their colleges as per their rules. This will also help the university to keep an eye on the recruitment of faculty from a centralised spot (either at college or DCDC Bhawan). This is more of a reminder to such institutions to follow the university’s calendar rules.”

“Vide Section 2(D) of (university) Act of 1974, each college shall have a regularly constituted governing body having 11-16 members with three-year tenure,” added the source.

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