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Biodiversity park proposed on Yamuna’s floodplain

New Delhi, January 29 Decisions on the development of a bio-diversity park in the Yamuna floodplain and a public awareness campaign to restore the old glory of the river were taken at a high-level committee meeting here, officials said on...
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New Delhi, January 29

Decisions on the development of a bio-diversity park in the Yamuna floodplain and a public awareness campaign to restore the old glory of the river were taken at a high-level committee meeting here, officials said on Saturday.

The meeting was held to discuss the cleaning of the river. The National Green Tribunal (NGT) had earlier this month formed a high-level committee (HLC) to deal with the issue of pollution in the Yamuna and requested Delhi L-G VK Saxena to chair it.


During the first meeting of the HLC on January 20, it was decided that an alternate weekly meeting (physical-cum-virtual) may be chaired by its chief secretary or convener. The Delhi L-G will take the fortnightly meeting.

The National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) offered to develop a bio-diversity park in the Yamuna floodplain in case the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) allots a land of appropriate area to it.


“Accordingly, HLC decided that the DDA may identify and allot a piece of land at the Yamuna floodplains to NMCG latest by February 15 for the development of a bio-diversity park by NMCG,” read an order issued by the HLC.

The Director General (DG) of NMCG also said that a company of the territorial army would be placed under the Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC) for ensuring ground-level enforcement and monitoring for the purpose of identifying (if any left-out) all the drains or sub-drains which are yet to be trapped.

It will also ensure enforcement of Delhi Water Board Septage Management Regulations 2018, convincing people not to throw their waste in drains, etc.

“Accordingly, HLC asked DG NMCG to take appropriate action to provide such company of the territorial army to DPCC at the earliest,” read the order.

The HLC also decided that the Delhi Government’s IT Department would add all the actionable points discussed in the meeting on Delhi’s e-Pragati Dashboard for the purpose of monitoring.

It was also decided by the HLC to constitute a committee under the Divisional Commissioner of Revenue Department with the Principal Secretary (Forest and Environment), DDA Vice-Chairman and Delhi Jal Board (DJB) CEO to resolve all land-related matters.

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