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Road repair at snail’s pace

THE slow pace of the repair work on the main roads in the district has been a cause of inconvenience to the commuters. The dividing road of sectors 15 and 15A, which witnesses heavy traffic movement, has become a bottleneck...
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THE slow pace of the repair work on the main roads in the district has been a cause of inconvenience to the commuters. The dividing road of sectors 15 and 15A, which witnesses heavy traffic movement, has become a bottleneck due to the ongoing repair and construction work that started last year. Though the road was relaid with concrete, the finishing work of the side paths and divider is underway, resulting in the diversion of vehicles on one side near the BSNL office. The construction work could have been completed early if it had been carried out at a faster pace. The authorities concerned should finish the task as early as possible to ease the commute for everyone. Ajay Chaudhary, Faridabad

Water supply halted

THE water supply to Sector 21, Gurugram, was completely stopped today. Even yesterday, the water supply was halted for seven hours, due to which the residents had to face great inconvenience in the hot weather. The Gurugram Metropolitan Development Authority should provide respite to the sector residents as soon as possible. Prakash Lamba, Gurugram


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